Home New England & Tri-State Music Ready To Go: Fungkshui and Quantum Cosmic Blast Off in Albany

Ready To Go: Fungkshui and Quantum Cosmic Blast Off in Albany


Shooting for the moon with infinite potential, Asbury Parks’ next big thing is Fungkshui. Not stopping there, they may also be the next big thing in the Capital Region too. With frequent visits to the area, including recent high octane rock performances at Putnam Place and the Rye Bread Music Festival (RFB), the fun-loving psychedelic prog-funk quintet is quickly and consistently earning high praise from high people in high places. 

Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic
Fungkshui performing at Lark Hall in Albany 1/25/2024.

Whether Fungkshui (pronounced funk shway) are playing to packed clubs along the boardwalks of New Jersey, or randomly stopping in for an unannounced happy hour improv set at The Eleven, it seems the band has found their ‘home away from home’ at Albany’s Lark Hall. As friendly with their staff as they are with their fans, Fungkshui originally made a good first impression at the hall last March while opening for acclaimed avant-garde jazz trio LaMP. Later returning for “Funk Night” with the E-Block in September, NYS Music was there for the for their most recent throwdown on Thursday, January 25th. 

Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic

Teaming up with sonic astrological improv jammers Quantum Cosmic, a new experimental side project featuring members of Annie in the Water, Raisinhead and The Switch, the dynamic pairing of bands proved to be the perfect combination of good vibes and good times. On a night full of other-worldly jams, technical proficiency, soaring and sublime guitar solos, guest sit-ins, and enough funk to make you want to float around the room and dance with total strangers, both bands turned in peak performances that you ‘outta be kicking yourself for missing. 

Blasting off a little later than the advertised 8pm start, Quantum Cosmic quickly made up for lost time by inviting the audience to help telepathically guide them through their all-improvised set. Encouraging listeners to share their positive and creative thoughts as well as birthday wishes to drummer Joshua West, “Just hopefully you’re not a dick about it, ” joked guitarist Michael Lashomb, who also plays with the ever-busy West in Annie in the Water.

Along with Matt Richards on keys, Raisinhead guitarist Ted Grey and bassist James Woods, the band who hasn’t played the same show twice and gambles on “making it up as they go along’ would surprise everyone by also inviting up fellow Annie in the Water/Space Carnival bassist Chris Meier for a memorable trippy dip on the AITW OG staple “The River,” in which the birthday boy West hilariously changed (forgot?) some of the lyrics. After coming back down to earth for a brief intermission, things at the hall were about to get even more Fungky. 

Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic
Chris Meier sits in with Quantum Cosmic at Lark Hall 1/25/2024.

Barreling their way towards Nectars in Burlington, VT, the road to get there saw Fungkshui work their way through New York by way of gigs at Snug Harbor in New Paltz, an unannounced acoustic set at The Eleven and finally, their fiery headlining set in Albany. Kicking things into gear with a technically proficient and impressive “Meat Salad” >“Ready To Go” > “Power Out” jam sandwich, it was immediately evident what all the fuss over this band is about. Part punk, part prog and overflowing with all kinds of primal groove, there is no denying the twin ax attack and chemistry of guitarists Jack Reed and Max Vitale. Along with the luscious locks of Jon Scheps on the low end, drummer Bobby Reilly and the band’s most recent addition of Dan Hogan on keys, Fungkshui took the Lark Hall stage by sheer force. 

Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic
Fungkshui performing at Lark Hall in Albany 1/25/2024.

Feeling confident and comfortable in the surroundings, Fungkshui would take the opportunity to debut a new song called “Run It” before getting down and dirty on “Barefoot Blues” and the playful “Dan Dan The Waterman.” One of the true highlights of the night came when the band invited Annie in the Water/Quantum Cosmic keyboardist Matt Richards out for some dueling piano action on Dan Hogan’s well-lit rig. Catharsis through collaboration shining through disco ball lights and huge smiles beaming from the faces of everyone on stage, it was the kind of magic musical moment that makes Lark Hall such a special place to see a show.  

Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic
Matt Richards sits in with Fungkshui in Albany 1/25/2024.

An unexpected guilty pleasure came next in the form of Alice DeeJay’s “Better Off Alone,” which had the whole room dancing around each other in circles.  After successfully showing their hand, Fungkshui would then “Ante Up” and “Fade Away” before going deep into the night with one last party jam, “That’ll Do.”

Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic
Matt Richards sits in with Fungkshui in Albany 1/25/2024.

With such a formidable relationship already forming between the band and the venue, you almost can’t help but feel optimistic there will be many more magical Fungkshui moments on Lark for years to come. Fresh off the release of their first full length album “Ready to Go,” it’s clear this band is just that.  Buckle up in 2024, Fungkshui is about to blast off, and what can I say, I’m totally here for it. 

Watch fan shot footage of Fungkshui performing “That’ll Do” in the video clip below:

Fungkshui | January 25, 2024 | Lark Hall | Albany

Setlist: Meat Salad > Ready To Go > Power Out, Run it•, Barefoot Blues > Dan Dan The Water Man, Didn’t Know Anything, Better Off Alone*, Ante Up, Fades Away, That’ll Do

*= Alice DeeJay Cover
•= Original Song Debut

Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic
Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic
Fungkshui Quantum Cosmic

Quantum Cosmic | January 25, 2024 | Lark Hall | Albany, NY

All Improv Birthday Set > The River *

*Annie in the Water cover

The post Ready To Go: Fungkshui and Quantum Cosmic Blast Off in Albany appeared first on NYS Music.

Source: NYSmusic.com