Home New England & Tri-State Music St. Patrick’s Church in Binghamton hosts The Southern Tier Singers’ Collective on...

St. Patrick’s Church in Binghamton hosts The Southern Tier Singers’ Collective on Feb. 24

The Southern Tier Singers Collective 1 scaled 1
The Southern Tier Singers Collective 1 scaled 1

The Southern Tier Singers’ Collective (STSC) will presents “Arches In Sound” at St. Patrick’s Church in Binghamton on Saturday, February 24 at 7:30 PM,

The Southern Tier Singers' Collective presents: Arches In Sound

The Southern Tier Singers’ Collective is an organization of highly skilled singers presenting artistically polished performances of distinctive choral repertoire. Founded in the fall of 2018 by William Culverhouse, STSC is based in Binghamton and draws singers from as far as Ithaca, Oneonta, Elmira, and northeast Pennsylvania.

STSC was formed in order to offer a wide variety of vocal ensemble music in multiple configurations, ranging from an intimate one-singer-per-part madrigal ensemble, to a chamber choir of 32 accomplished singers. The groupings employ a variety of rehearsal models, but aim to accommodate the busy lives of the region’s most highly skilled singers by avoiding recurring weekly rehearsal commitments, opting instead for a project-based cluster-rehearsal approach.

The performance on Saturday, February 24 will be Ralph Vaughan Williams’s soaring Mass in G Minor for double choir, which will form the centerpiece of the concert, which also features the late Romantic English choral works of CV Stanford and Renaissance polyphony of Raphaella Aleotti in the marvelous acoustics of Saint Patrick’s Church.

St. Patrick’s Church is located at 9 Leroy Street, Binghamton. The concert is free but donations are accepted. More info can be found here.

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Source: NYSmusic.com