Home Ideas You Don’t Need to ‘Eat the Frog’ to Be More Productive

You Don’t Need to ‘Eat the Frog’ to Be More Productive

you dont need to eat the frog to be more productive

A popular productivity method encourages you to start your day by “eating the frog”—that is, tackling your biggest, most important task of the day first, then moving through the lesser ones in turn. For many, structuring their to-do list around their greatest responsibility is a good way to stay motivated and ensure top priorities are handled expediently.

But not every person works best that way, and even for people who generally do enjoy tackling the hard stuff first, not every day is the same. If you find the prospect of jumping into a massive project first thing in the morning daunting—every day, or just today—there are other ways you can arrange your schedule. The following two rules can help you. 

Start your day with the 10-Minute Rule

The 10-minute rule was coined by time management expert Clare Evans, who included it in a roundup of “anti-sad hacks.” Here’s the gist: Think about the activities that don’t energize or excite you, but which also don’t take up a lot of time. Answering emails. Making a grocery list. Organizing your desk. Filling out paperwork. You can probably knock each of these out in 10 minutes or less, but they’re tedious.

So do all of your “10-minute tasks” right away. The theory behind why this is helpful is similar to the one undergirding the concept of “eating the frog”: Once these tasks are done, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, and will be well positioned to a tackle additional responsibilities.

Sure, when you do choose to eat the frog, you’ll feel motivated and proud, and it will be easier to breeze through the lighter lifts on your list—but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, you’re too bogged down to tackle something huge. Other times, doing that big thing will deplete your energy and focus enough that those small tasks will feel a lot bigger than they should.

On these occasions, the 10-minute rule might be a better option. Quickly working through the simple things first won’t zap your energy or use up all your resources, and will still give you a sense of accomplishment that can keep you going.

The “One-Minute Rule” is even simpler

There’s an even a simpler method, conceptualized by Gretchen Rubin in her book The Happiness Project. It’s similar to the 10-minute rule, but not quite as structured. In short, if something will take you a minute or less to accomplish, you should do it as soon as you realize it needs to be done.

This rule is useful for me when it comes to signing important documents—a simple thing that I can do quickly, but which I often end up putting off, and then forgetting to do altogether. I’ve recently been trying something new: As soon as I see the request (which might pop up on my computer, iPhone, and/or Apple Watch), I stop whatever I’m doing it, open it, complete the Docusign, return it, and get on with my day. Nothing to remember to come back to later, and minimal interruption to my workflow now.

This is the crux of Rubin’s rule: If you can effectively cross an item off your list in under 60 seconds, just do it. Yes, this flies in the face of other productivity methods, which emphasize limiting distractions and rigidly blocking out your schedule. But in life, not everything will always slot neatly into a perfect, prearranged structure—just as it won’t make sense to begin every day with that mouthful of metaphorical frog.

Source: LifeHacker.com