Home New England & Tri-State Music Indie band Juicer release “Retire The Fences”

Indie band Juicer release “Retire The Fences”

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Indie-rock band juicer released their long awaited debut album Retire The Fences on May 10. The band formed in 2023 and have been blossoming in the NYC area. 

Vocalist and Guitarist, James Watson moved to NYC in 2021 and he was inspired by his own personal journey as well as the new sounds of the city. Since 2023, the band including, Donovan Edelstein (drums), Carlo DiBiaggio (bass) and Greg Crotty (guitar) have performed in Boston and Philadelphia along with NYC venues. They released their third single “let go” earlier this year which got great feedback from fans. 

Retire The Fences is a reference to lyrics off the Beach Boys song “feel flows,” a song from a more complex era of Beach Boys music, something that Watson was inspired by when recording this album. The harmony in the chorus of the track “Strawberry Life” resembles a Beach Boys song with its harmony and rolling effect of the rhythm. 

Despite repetitive, plain lyrics the whole album overall has a great sound. It’s a perfect album for a summer drive, a walk outside or a chill dinner party. 

Listening to Retire The Fences takes the listener straight to a classic inspiring Brooklyn show in a small intimate venue. One great aspect of the album is that it doesn’t feel over-produced or watered down with its editing. Fans will be able to imagine hearing these songs live. 

One song that sticks out as a darker track is “Let Go.” It opens with grungy instrumentals with reminiscent lyrics. The song explains how changes in your life force you to reflect on your past.

“Trickin” which starts the album and “Dream” which is the last song, both invoke a carefree, light feeling that introduce and tie off the album nicely. 

You can check out Retire the Fences here on Spotify.

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Source: NYSmusic.com