Home New England & Tri-State Music Master of Muppets: The Avett Brothers Come Alive in Albany

Master of Muppets: The Avett Brothers Come Alive in Albany


They say blood is thicker, but when it comes to musical siblings, being related can often be the kiss of death. Historically speaking, the list of dysfunctional “brother bands” is long and distinguished. From acts like the Everlys, The Kinks, and Duane and Greg Allman, to modern rockers like Chris and Rich Robinson of The Black Crows and Noel and Liam Gallagher of Oasis, tales of in-fighting, lawsuits and bad break-ups are the stuff of legend. Hell, the last thing in the world I can imagine is writing songs with my older brother. Not because I don’t love the guy, but simply because I just wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing my most personal feelings with him that way. But this article isn’t about me, it’s about The Avett Brothers and the shared bond that makes them so special and unique. 

The Avett Brothers performing at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

For Scott and Seth Avett, trust is a must and their unwavering belief in each other is largely what’s responsible for carrying the genre-bending folk rockers from Concord, North Carolina all the way to the top. If you’ve never heard them play before, imagine three Bob Dylan’s rolled into one, or a cross between Tom T. Hall and Faith No More, or John Prine meets Nirvana.  Hard-working and relatable, above all, the Avett’s are a family band with an uncanny ability to keep it real, no matter how tough times get.

No strangers to the area, The Avett Brothers formed in 2001 and have been making regular stops around the Capital Region for over two decades now.  First playing for only a handful of people at a since-closed Italian restaurant in Albany, the Avett’s have also played memorable gigs at Troy’s Revolution Hall as far back as 2007, were regular fixtures during the early years of Mountain Jam Festival, and in recent times, have gone on to headline multi-night runs at Brewery Ommegang and Beak & Skiff Orchards. Their stop at MVP Arena on Thursday, May 23th, was the group’s first Albany date since performing at the Palace Theatre in 2012. Tapping red-hot Americana/roots artist Sierra Ferrell to open the show, fans old and new were all but guaranteed a magical evening of music. It’s just a shame more people didn’t get the memo in time.     

Sierra Ferrell performing ahead of Avett Brothers at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

Kicking off the evening with a blistering, but brief set, West Virginia-born songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Sierra Ferrell was stunning from the start. Seen as one of the brightest young luminaries in roots music today, Ferrell’s soulful voice was powerful and confident and instantly won the crowd over on songs like “In Dreams,” “Why’d Ya Do It” and “Jeremiah” from her 2021 debut album Long Time Coming.  Along with her dapper and distinguished backing band, Ferrell’s wide rang of styles on songs like “Money Train,”  “I Could Drive You Crazy,” and “Dollar Bill Bar” offered a taste of everything from country and ragtime, to foot-stomping folk to straight up rock n’ roll. 

Pausing to ask the audience if anyone was looking forward to Del Fest as much as she was, the meager response was broken up by one man who screamed out “Del Yeah!” which elicited widespread laughter. After paying homage to a couple of her heroes by covering Arthur Smith Trio’s “Chittlin’ Cookin’ Time in Cheatham County” and “Years” by John Anderson, the remainder of the set featured material from Sierra’s excellent new album, Trail of Flowers including “American Dreaming,” and the arena-ready, Celtic-like stomper “Fox Hunt” to close out the truly unique set. Proving the hype is real on this one, Sierra Ferrell stood tall in Albany and made instant fans out of many of the first-time listeners.

Sierra Ferrell performing ahead of Avett Brothers at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

After a brief intermission that included songs from local underground folk heroes, the Felice Brothers, the stage was set and I knew I was exactly where I needed to be. It was finally time for The Avett Brothers to take us to church. The rare kind of band that have always been honest with the audience and true to themselves, I may not be a smart man, but even I know that’s hard to find these days. For me, their show at the MVP Arena on May 23th was personal and it hit me over the head like a ton of bricks. Timeless harmonies with lyrics that have helped shape my life in a way few other bands have, I think that’s a big part of the Avett’s secret recipe. An ability to put feelings into words in a way that the common man can understand and relate to. It’s a gift the Avett’s have been sharing with us since deciding to make music a career more than 20 years ago.

Avett Brothers Albany
The Avett Brothers performing at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

Opening their performance with the beautifully sung vocal prelude of “Never Apart” that featured both Scott and Seth sharing the same microphone, it was the first of six songs that would be played from the band’s recently released self-titled album. Along with older brother Scott on banjo and Seth on acoustic guitar, the group also consists of longtime members Bob Crawford on standup and electric bass, Joe Kwon on electric cello, Tania Elizabeth on fiddle, Mike Marsh on drums and Bonnie Avett-Rini on piano.

“I wonder which brother is better
Which one our parents loved the most

I wondered what my dad would say
He said, “I love you and I’m proud of you both
In so many different ways

Always remember there was nothing worth sharing
Like the love that let us share our name”

Lyrics from “Murder in the City”

The genre-bending folk rockers would show off their experimental side next on the digitally enhanced “Satan Pulls the Strings” before landing on the lone song played from 2012’s The Carpenter, the foot stomping singalong, “Live and Die.”  From there the band would play a powerful rendition of their introspective hit, “Morning Song”, which received the biggest cheers of the night thus far.  Bouncing back with the upbeat lead single from the new album, “Love of a Girl” set the stage for an early highlight of the show, the sentimental fan favorite “Murder in the City.” A song that embodies what The Avett Brothers are all about – a brilliant combination of lyrics, melody and chord progression – its mantra about family and love was stunning and poignant. 

Avett Brothers Albany
Seth and Scott Avett performing at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

Pausing for a moment to let the song resonate, fiddle player Tania Elizabeth, battling through some minor feedback, had her turn in the spotlight with an extended solo on “Le reel du pendu / Les bars de la prison,” shredding the hairs of her bow to a rabid applause as the rest of the band rejoined the stage behind her. After working their way through another new one “Country Kid,”  the band would tug at the heart strings on “Living of Love”, our first song from The Avett’s breakthrough 2007 album, Emotionalism, before another well-penned Scott song, “Vanity,” forced the audience to take a critical look inside themselves. 

Picking up the pace now, the momentum of the show took a major turn when The Avett’s launched into 2009’s high octane “Kick Drum Heart,” getting the entire crowd up on their feet and clapping in unison when suddenly, Seth Avett jumped off the stage with his wireless guitar, ran the length of the floor while high-fiving  fans and soloing all the way into the upper deck of section 123 of the MVP Arena before making his way back to the stage for the songs epic conclusion. Completely connected with the crowd, the band easily could have stopped the show here and no one would have complained, but luckily for everyone in attendance, the magic was only just beginning. 

Avett Brothers Albany
Feeding off the crowds energy, Seth Avett runs wild at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

Transporting listeners to a contemplative space on “Cheap Coffee,” a song that features heartwarming audio samples and feels radically different from most of their other work, the tone was set for another beloved staple and perhaps most well-known song, “I and Love and You.” With the crowd taking over and singing those same words back in unison, it was a moment that truly gave you goosebumps.  With the audience firmly in their grip, the placement of the sentimental love letter “I Wish I Was” flowed perfectly. 

Watch fan shot footage of The Avett Brothers performing “I and Love and You” in Albany, NY 5/23/24

Until this point in the night the band had let their songs do most of the talking, so when older brother Scott took to the microphone and starting speaking from the heart, you knew he had something significant to say.  Reflecting on the moment, he mentioned how he “looks out there and sees people that I connect to, how grateful [he] is and that those people are the reason they are here tonight.” Saying, “The opportunity to do that is amazing, it’s our life’s work, and we are so blessed to do it.” Reminiscing about what it was like getting reviews in the early days, Scott commented how “It was an interesting part of our journey, reading what people said about us. Eventually we had to stop reading until we could get to a point where we could do it without being crushed.

We would get things written about us like, “The Avett Brothers show potential, but write small songs,” to which the Albany crowd loudly started booing. “We booed them too, but later we realized writing small songs is kind of an awesome thing.” Seth would playfully stop him there and say, “What is this old man with a banjo talking about?” before continuing with similar sentiments. “In any event, we were always very excited to be written about no matter what they said. I do recall we had hoped to be compared to our heroes. We didn’t get that so much, but we did get comparisons to The Muppets. Those were very good days, very exciting days. We thought it might be fun to give you a glimpse of what those early shows were like. Instead of talking about it, we’re gonna try and illustrate it and there’s only one group in the whole world that can help us do that and luckily, here in Albany they are here tonight! So without further ado, would you please help us welcome to the stage… The Avetts.” Erupting in a massive applause, the spotlights then revealed three Muppet-like alter egos of the band – Seth Monster, Scott Monster and Bob Monster – who would go on to ‘perform’ “Hard Worker” and “I Would Be Sad.” You can watch fan shot footage of that in the clip below.

Master of Muppets: Watch fan shot footage of The Avett’s performing “Hard Worker” live in Albany, NY 5/23/24

Smiles for miles all around, the real-life Avetts would get serious once again, performing a flawless version of the song “Shame.” A true emotional journey of “ups and downs,” the band would bounce back with an upbeat rocker from the new album, “Orion’s Belt” before going all the way back to 2006’s “Left on Laura, Left on Lisa.”  After a cathartic rendition of “Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise,” the Muppet version of the band would return for a set closing singalong of the funky hit single “Ain’t No Man” resulting in a veritable party-like atmosphere on and off stage.

 “When nothing is owed or deserved or expected
And your life doesn’t change by the man that’s elected
If you’re loved by someone, you’re never rejected
Decide what to be and go be it”

-Lyrics from “Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise”

After exiting the stage to a standing ovation, the band would take a little extra time soaking it in before returning. “Ya know it’s funny how in some rooms three thousand people can sound like twenty thousand, so thank you for that.”  Choosing to play the closer from the new self-titled album, “We Are Loved,” the vocal harmonies were about as beautiful as it gets.

Avett Brothers Albany
Seth Avett performing at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

After paying homage to David Childers & The Modern Don Juans by covering “The Prettiest Thing,” the career-spanning show came to a proper close with Seth saying “Albany, thank you so much for letting us play for you. This is our last one and we are honored to do it with you,” as the band strummed the opening chords of perhaps the most emotional song in the Avett catalog, “No Hard Feelings.” Fading out with the repeating lyrics of “I have no enemies” sending chills up your spine, you knew you had just witnessed something special.

Avett Brothers Albany
Scott Avett performing at MVP Arena in Albany, NY 5/23/24

With polished harmonies and heartfelt melodies, a charismatic stage presence and a wealth of wisdom contained within the lyrics, these songs feel timeless and should be heard by everyone. Rich with “repeat customer” appeal, the brothers Avett are veritable song-writing machines and put every ounce of energy and life experience they have into their craft. Even after a two-plus hour performance, there were still so many “favorites” left on the table in Albany. It’s no wonder people are so willing to travel from all over to see this band again and again.  

With 3 Grammy nominations so far and over 2 million monthly listeners on Spotify alone, it’s easy to see the broad appeal and why the Avett Brothers continue to connect. From their first time in Albany playing at an Italian restaurant where people were more interested in pasta than what they were doing, to now playing the city’s biggest Arena two decades later, it’s fair to say this family band finally has Albany’s undivided attention now. At least they do mine. Salute.

No Enemies: Watch fan shot footage of The Avett Brothers performing “No Hard Feelings” in Albany, NY 5/23/24

The Avett Brothers | 5-23-2024 | MVP Arena | Albany, NY
Setlist: Never Apart (w/ Vocal Prelude), Satan Pulls the Strings, Live and Die, Morning Song, Love of a Girl, Murder in the City, Le reel du pendu / Les bars de la prison, Country Kid, Living of Love, Vanity, Kick Drum Heart, Cheap Coffee, I and Love and You, I Wish I Was, Hard Worker, I Would Be Sad, Shame, Orion’s Belt,  Left on Laura, Left on Lisa, Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise, Ain’t No Man.
Encore: We Are Loved, The Prettiest Thing (David Childers & The Modern Don Juans cover) No Hard Feelings.

Avett Brothers Albany
Avett Brothers Albany
Avett Brothers Albany
Avett Brothers Albany
Avett Brothers Albany
Avett Brothers Albany
Avett Brothers Albany
Avett Brothers Albany

Sierra Ferrell | 5-23-2024 | MVP Arena | Albany, NY

Setlist: In Dreams, Money Train, Why’d Ya Do It, Chittlin Cookin’ Time in Cheatham County (Arthur Smith Trio cover), Jeremiah, I Could Drive You Crazy, Years (John Anderson), Amierican Dreaming, Dollar Bill Bar, Fox Hunt.

The post Master of Muppets: The Avett Brothers Come Alive in Albany appeared first on NYS Music.

Source: NYSmusic.com