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‘A Dream Come True’: Mentees Reflect on Their Experiences in Wild Turkey’s Music 101 Mentorship Program

Wild Turkey House of Music 101
Wild Turkey House of Music 101
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Wild Turkey

In Partnership with Wild Turkey

In today’s music industry, emerging artists are often faced with a journey of challenges and uncertainties. Enter Wild Turkey’s Music 101 mentorship program, an initiative designed to pave the way forward for a new generation of Australian musicians.

With a focus on championing some of Australia’s most promising musicians, the program has become a launchpad for young artists navigating their careers. We caught up with last year’s first-ever mentee, Will Clift, and this year’s pick, Romanie, to hear about how the experience has helped shape their musical trajectories.

For singer-songwriter Romanie, the program was a game-changer, with “trusting your spirit” being a central theme of her musical journey. “Following your gut is crucial in music and life,” she says. “Knowing who you are as an artist and taking risks is a big part of the evolution.”

One of the standout moments for Romanie was the opportunity to showcase her talent in front of industry insiders, including Peking Duk’s Adam Hyde and Golden Features’ Thomas Stell. “They approached me after my set at House of Music 101 in July, which was a surreal moment,” she recalls. “We ended up collaborating on some tracks, and it was incredibly liberating to write in a genre I hadn’t explored before.”

“I feel extremely lucky to have met both of them, and them taking me under their wing will forever be a big moment in my career. Tom and Adam believing in me as a musician means a lot as I think they’re very talented musicians, and I’m excited to continue working together.”

For Romanie, the experience opened new doors. “The program gave me a boost of self-confidence and quieted my imposter syndrome,” she reflects. “It was a turning point that snapped me out of contemplating stepping back from music.”

Image: Romanie Credit: Supplied

Now, Romanie is shifting her focus to recording new music and upcoming tours. “I’ve just finished recording a collection of songs that feel like the next stage of my songwriting,” she shares. With performances lined up in Belgium and France, she’s excited about what the future holds.

For former athlete Will, the Music 101 mentorship program was instrumental in helping him become a full-time musician. “Trusting my spirit meant taking a huge leap from sports to music,” he says. “It was a risk, but it’s been incredibly rewarding.”

One of Will’s biggest moments through the program was collaborating with his idol, Matt Corby. “Working with Matt was a dream come true,” he enthuses. “He’s not only a fantastic musician but also a great person. His organic, live-recorded sound has inspired me to explore production more deeply.”

Will says that the program helped give him a huge leg-up in his career, “especially considering I started later than most,” he notes. “The introduction to Matt was a game-changer, and I’m so grateful for the chance to work with him in the studio.”

 Image: Will Clift Credit: Supplied

One of Will’s major highlights was a memorable gig at a secret event in Newcastle. “The set-up was fantastic, and supporting Matt was a special moment,” he says. 

Looking ahead, Will is eager to continue building on the momentum. “I’m working on something special with Matt for later this year,” he teases. “I’m also focused on expanding my production skills and securing more support slots with artists who inspire me.”

Romanie and Will’s experiences with Wild Turkey’s Music 101 mentorship program highlight how the initiative is already making a big impact on the industry. By boosting their confidence, connecting them with the right people, and opening up new doors, the program has been a game-changer for their careers, and the other mentees who are taking part. 

With some cool new projects and collaborations on the horizon, Romanie and Will are already making waves in the industry, and you can bet we’ll be tuning in. Listen for yourself here: Will Clift and Romanie

Wild Turkey Trust Your Spirit. Always remember to #Drinkwise.

The post ‘A Dream Come True’: Mentees Reflect on Their Experiences in Wild Turkey’s Music 101 Mentorship Program appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au