Home New England & Tri-State Music Bring Out Your Dead: Megadeth Destroy All Enemies in Albany

Bring Out Your Dead: Megadeth Destroy All Enemies in Albany


It’s had many names of the years: The Knickerbocker, The Pepsi, The Times Union Center and currently the MVP Arena. But on Tuesday, September 10, the storied building was transformed into a cathedral of heavy metal.  Playing host to the legendary Megadeth and their “Destroy All Enemies” tour featuring Mudvayne and All That Remains, the scorching night of thrash, prog, punk, speed and metalcore music bludgeoned downtown Albany like a 10-ton hammer in a way that hasn’t been felt in years.

An epic evening of arena sized anthems and a career-spanning setlist packed with deep cuts and fan favorites alike, Dave Mustaine once again proved why his band remains one of the cornerstones of metal’s “Big Four.”

Thrash metal icons Megadeth returned to the MVP Arena for the first time in 17 years on 9/10/24.

For anyone familiar with Mustaine’s storied career, the sight of him on stage, shredding through riff after riff, felt like witnessing history in motion. After being famously ousted from Metallica in the early ’80s, Mustaine forged his own path by forming Megadeth in 1983, determined to make his own mark on metal. His fierce ambition and relentless work ethic paid off—Megadeth has since sold over 38 million albums worldwide, earning their place alongside Metallica, Slayer, and Anthrax as the pioneers of thrash metal.

But the show in Albany wasn’t just about Megadeth’s past. It was a testament to the present power of Mustaine, who at 63, plays with the same ferocity that marked his early years, if not more. This resilience is all the more impressive considering his 2019 battle with throat cancer, which threatened to sideline him permanently. Instead, Mustaine emerged victorious, his unmistakable snarl and masterful guitar work as sharp as ever. His playing style—technical, lightning-fast, and rhythmically complex—defines Megadeth’s sound and was on full display during songs like “Holy Wars… The Punishment Due,” “Peace Sells,” and “Symphony of Destruction.”

Fuck Cancer: Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine was back in Albany on 9/10/24 after beating a life-altering diagnosis.

Megadeth would also play selections from their most recent album, 2022’s The Sick, The Dying…and the Dead! which featured the eerie visual aid of an old plague doctor pushing a wagon cart full of corpses across the stage.  Also from the same album, “We’ll Be Back” stood out as a new favorite for its relentless power groove and over-the-top shredding, further proof this band still has plenty of gas in the tank. Adding fuel the frenzy, time-tested staples like “Washington is Next!,” “Hangar 18” and “Sweating Bullets” sounded massive and just as potent as they were decades ago.

Destroy All Enemies: Megadeth performing at the MVP Arena on 9/10/24.

The crowd, a sea of black-clad fans with fists pumping and heads banging in unison, responded with a fervor that could only come from decades of loyalty. For many, Megadeth’s music represents something deeper. Their songs, often steeped in political themes, war, chaos, and personal demons, strike a chord with listeners who revel in metal’s intensity and cathartic aggression. This is why heavy metal endures—its primal power, complex musicianship, and dark themes speak to a primal part of the human experience.

Symphony of Destruction: Watch fan shot footage of Megadeth performing at the MVP Arena on 9/10/24.

As much as the night belonged to Megadeth, it was far from a one-band show. Mudvayne, co-headlining the tour, brought their own brand of chaos to the MVP Arena. Rising to prominence in the early 2000’s, Mudvayne, known for their groundbreaking debut L.D. 50, has a reputation for blending nu-metal with progressive elements, and their set did not disappoint. Musically tight, they delivered heavy grooves, complex rhythms, and a raw power that paired perfectly with Megadeth’s thrash fury. Known for their theatrical costumes and high-energy performances, frontman Chad Gray worked the crowd with ease, demonstrating an innate ability to connect with fans. Dressed in his trademark face paint and blood splatter, Gray’s commanding presence and guttural screams during songs like “Not Falling,” “Death Blooms,” “-1,” and “Internal Primates Forever” were highlights of the night.

Dressed to Kill: Mudvayne’s Chad Gray painted the MVP Arena red on Tuesday, 9/10.

Speaking candidly to the audience after ”Dull Boy,” Gray gave a heartfelt speech about the importance of staying true to yourself. Saying how this is the place to leave your baggage at the door. The problems at work, in your relationship, at school, with your family, with the law—they will all still be there tomorrow, but here at the arena, this is a safe place to let it all out. Demanding the fans make enough noise to satisfy him before they continue playing, Gray talked about the honor it is to be playing with Megadeth, one of the big 4 that inspired and empowered him as a kid we he came from nothing.  Addressing the elephant in the room, i.e. the amount of people at the show, he would tell us “Anyone who knows metal is here, and if you’re not, that’s probably a good thing. Because once metal is in you, it never leaves. It doesn’t matter if you’re 6 of 65, you’re a metal kid for life.”

Ryknow Power: Mudvayne bassist Ryan Martinie was dropping bombs all night long on 9/10/24.

After delivering a standout version of “Nothing to Gein,” and working their way through “Happy?” Gray would reflect once again. Talking about how to him, this tour represents the passing of the torch. From one generation of metal to the next, he’s made an oath to carry it forward from here.  Referencing influences like Metallica and Slayer, and later Pantera and Korn, he said heavy music will always keep evolving and it’s up to the fans to keep showing their support, no matter who the current torch bearer may be. Wanting the audience to know that he’s proud of each and every person who came out to see the show, he says it’s important to remember to reward yourself every once in a while, and to not be ashamed tomorrow for liking heavy music today. Asking if Albany can dig what he’s putting down, the band then launched into their biggest hit, “Dig” to close out their set. What a performance!

Dig This: Watch fan shot footage of Mudvayne performing “Dig” in Albany, NY 9/10/24.

Kicking off the night was Springfield, Massachusetts’ All That Remains, a metalcore band whose blend of melodic and brutal elements set the tone for the evening. No stranger to the Capital Region, the band has been playing various Albany clubs since forming in the early 2000’s and clearly have developed a loyal following in the area.  Their impressive guitar solos, particularly from lead guitarist Jason Richardson, caught the attention of the early crowd.

Opening up with “Now Let Them Tremble,” and working their way through songs like “Six,” Divine,” and a massive rendition of “This Calling” from their beloved 2006 album The Fall of Ideals, All That Remains have a style that leans more into metalcore than traditional thrash. Making sure to bring a balance of aggression and melody, by the time the band reached their set closing number and biggest song, “Two Weeks, anyone who was on the fence was converted. Showcasing the band’s ability to fuse heavy breakdowns with catchy hooks, All That Remains was the perfect choice for an opening act.

All That Remains kicked off the night in Albany on 9/10/24.

Despite the aggressive sounds emanating from the stage, the Albany crowd remained surprisingly tame. While many die-hard fans in the front row headbanged and moshed in sync with Mustaine’s riffs, a significant portion of the audience seemed content to take in the spectacle from their seats, perhaps a testament to the older demographic that Megadeth now commands. Even so, the energy in the arena was palpable, and the night felt like a celebration of heavy metal’s enduring legacy.

As the tour rolls on through the rest of North America, including this upcoming Friday the 13th at Bethel Woods, it’s clear that the “Destroy All Enemies” tour is more than just a trip down memory lane—it’s a reminder that Megadeth and their fellow metal titans still have plenty left to say. For those in attendance in Albany, it was a night that highlighted the power of heavy metal to bring people together, proving that, even in 2025, metal is far from dead.

Megadeth | September 10, 2024 | MVP Arena | Albany, NY

Setlist: The Sick, The Dying…and the Dead!, Dread and the Fugitive Mind, Kick the Chair, Hangar 18, Washinton is Next, Countdown to Extinction, Sweating Bullets, Angry Ain, Trust, Tornado of Souls, We’ll Be Back, Symphony of Destruction, Mechanix, Peace Sells

Encore: Holy Wars…The Punishment Due

Mudvayne | September 10, 2024 | MVP Arena | Albany, NY

Setlist: Not Falling, Silenced, Internal Primates Forever, Fall Into Sleep, -1, Death Blooms, Dull Boy, Nothing to Gein, World So Cold, Happy?, Dig.

All That Remains | September 10, 2024 | MVP Arena | Albany, NY

Setlist: Now Let Them Tremble, Chiron, Six, Divine, Let You Go, This Calling, Two Weeks.

The post Bring Out Your Dead: Megadeth Destroy All Enemies in Albany appeared first on NYS Music.

Source: NYSmusic.com