Home Jambase Primus Announces ‘Alive From Pachyderm Station’ Livestream

Primus Announces ‘Alive From Pachyderm Station’ Livestream


Click Here To Watch Primus’ Alive From Pachyderm Station Livestream

Primus announced a livestream concert, Alive From Pachyderm Station, on Friday, December 11. The virtual event marks the band’s first performance of 2020.

Like most other touring musicians, Primus was forced to cancel their concerts scheduled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The band filmed Alive From Pachyderm Station at bassist Les Claypool’s Sebastopol, California-based winery Claypool Cellars, which was their first time playing there.

“Strange, eclectically wonderful things tend to happen when the three of us get in a room together with our instruments,” Claypool stated. “This will be an intimate and casual performance between three longtime friends as opposed to an elaborate ‘show.’ Primus in the raw.”

Early bird $15 tickets will be on sale from December 1 to December 4. Ticket prices increase to $20 beginning December 5. Alive From Pachyderm Station will stream on Friday, December 11 at 6 p.m. PT and will be available to ticket purchasers on-demand for 72 hours. Find ticket information here.

Alive From Pachyderm Station Trailer

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Source: JamBase.com