Home Jambase Widespread Panic Announces ‘Run To New Years’ December Livestream Series

Widespread Panic Announces ‘Run To New Years’ December Livestream Series


Widespread Panic is offering pay-per-view livestreams of past New Year’s Eve Run concerts at Atlanta’s Philips Arena each Saturday throughout December. The band will also stream a special New Year’s Eve Celebration show on December 31 as part of the “Run To New Years” series.

Widespread Panic teamed with nugs.tv for the “Run To New Years” livestream series. Up first is Widespread Panic’s December 30, 2007 show that will stream on Saturday, December 5. The band’s New Year’s Eve 2007 concert, featuring an acoustic first set, will be available on Saturday, December 12.

WSP goes back to their December 29, 2001 show with sit-ins by John Keane and Charlie Pruet for the broadcast on Saturday, December 19. The band goes even further back to their December 30, 1999 show featuring many guests including Count Mbutu and The Dirty Dozen Brass Band for the webcast on December 19. Finally, the series will conclude on New Year’s Eve (Thursday, December 31) with Widespread Panic’s December 31, 1999 concert at Phillips Arena featuring sit-ins from The Dirty-Dozen Brass Band and Ms. Dottie Peoples & The People’s Choice Choir.

Panic previously teamed with nugs.tv for the “Never Miss A Sunday Show” archival livestream series that started in March after touring was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The December WSP livestreams are being sold individually or as a discounted bundle. Head to nugs.tv for complete details.

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Source: JamBase.com