Home Jambase Watch The White Stripes Animated Yule Log Video

Watch The White Stripes Animated Yule Log Video


The White Stripes shared a yule log style video featuring songs from the recently released The White Stripes Greatest Hits album, a White Stripes original Christmas song and more. Noah Sterling directed the 90-minute looping visual with illustrations by Blue J.

The yule log video kicks off with The White Stripes’ Christmas classic, “Candy Cane Children,” which Meg and Jack White released as a holiday single in 2002 along with the B-side “Gift Of The Magi/Silent Night.” The video also contains Greatest Hits tracks like “We’re Going To Be Friends,” “My Doorbell” “Apple Blossom” and more. Rounding out the yule log video are classic acoustic tracks, rarities and B-sides.

Watch The White Stripes yule log video below:

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Source: JamBase.com