Home Jambase Maren Morris & JP Saxe Share ‘Line By Line’ Single

Maren Morris & JP Saxe Share ‘Line By Line’ Single


Maren Morris and JP Saxe put out a collaborative single, “Line By Line,” via Arista Records. The track also arrived with an accompanying music video.

Morris and Saxe enlisted the help of renowned Nashville singer-songwriter and producer Jimmy Robbins to help them write “Line By Line.” Saxe detailed the song in a statement. Read his words below:

My first thought about this song is that it’s surreal I get to be sharing it with one of my favorite artists ever. Regarding what it’s about…as songwriters, we spend a lot of our lives trying to bottle up a feeling into a song, and often, the biggest feelings, the best ones… the complicated, detailed, messy, incredible ones… just aren’t going to fit. “Line by Line” is our recognition of that… of how one song just isn’t enough to capture it all, but how we’re just going to keep writing, futilely and lovingly, anyway.

Morris added:

I have always loved being contemplative of the artist vs. muse relationship in songs. “Line by Line” acts as a promise that I’ll never be done writing about my muse in this life because he can’t be summed up in one song. Writing that day with JP was the most fluid, inspiring session. He’s a lyrical faucet. He threw out the line “immortalizing my sincerity” and it blew my mind. I think all in all, we wrote the whole song in an hour and immediately recorded it.

Watch the music video for “Line By Line” below:

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Source: JamBase.com