Home Jambase Todd Snider Covers Creedence Clearwater Revival

Todd Snider Covers Creedence Clearwater Revival


One of Todd Snider‘s earliest memories is taking a car ride with his father through Oregon. Snider’s dad used the opportunity to introduce his son to rock and roll by playing a Creedence Clearwater Revival eight-track on the car’s soundsystem. Todd discussed the experience and performed a handful of CCR tunes as part of his “The Get Together” livestream concert on Sunday, January 24.

The singer-songwriter remembers the feedback as “Run Through The Jungle” came through the speakers. His father kept turning up the volume and driving faster before telling Todd, “THIS is rock and roll!” Snider told the tale and performed the song towards the middle of a “The Get Together” livestream that he began with a cover of CCR’s “Up Around The Bend.”

Todd followed “Run Through The Jungle” by performing “Green River.” Creedence Clearwater Revival released “Green River” as a single in 1969 ahead of issuing a studio album of the same name. “Run Through The Jungle” (and “Up Around The Bend”) appeared on CCR’s Cosmo’s Factory the following year.

Snider, who previously covered Creedence’s “Fortunate Son” for his livestream series, continued “The Get Together” on the 24th with more CCR. Todd moved over to the piano and explained he woke up listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival before performing Green River single “Lodi.”

Snider presents new episodes of “The Get Together,” a livestream series formerly known as “What It Is,” every Sunday at 12 p.m. ET/9 a.m. PT from East Nashville’s The Purple Building. Each episode can be viewed on the JamBase Livestreams Calendar through Snider’s YouTube and The Purple Building’s Twitch.

Watch Todd Snider cover Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Run Through The Jungle” after explaining how the song was his introduction to rock as well as the “Green River” that followed:

Run Through The Jungle

Green River

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Source: JamBase.com