Home Jambase My Morning Jacket Drummer Patrick Hallahan Details New Cooking Show

My Morning Jacket Drummer Patrick Hallahan Details New Cooking Show


My Morning Jacket drummer Patrick Hallahan announced a cooking show, In The Kitchen with Patrick Hallahan. The three part-series from the chef and restaurateur will premiere on Sunday, February 21 at 6:00 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT via Seated.com with additional episodes airing on February 28 and March 7.

Hallahan co-founded Louisville, Kentucky’s Butchertown Grocery, which is renowned for its refined recipes and single-barrel bourbon selection. Along with sharing easy-to-make meals inspired by traditional Southeastern comfort food like spatchcocked chicken, roasted vegetables, grits and more. Hallahan will also welcome special guests from VHS to Beta’s Craig Pfunder to his MMJ band mate bassist Tom Blankenship and his own daughter.

“For as long as I can remember, cooking and making music have been hand in hand in how I express myself,” Hallahan said in a statement. “I’ve had the honor of playing music for people all of my adult life. Now, through taping cooking segments, it’s really nice to be able to do the same with food.”

Those who purchase tickets for In The Kitchen with Patrick Hallahan will also receive “full recipe, shopping lists, and an exclusive playlist, showcasing his personal soundtrack for culinary adventure,” as per a press release. Head here to purchase tickets and check out a preview video for the series below:

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Source: JamBase.com