Home Jambase Jeremy Ivey Releases ‘The Monolith Sessions’ EP

Jeremy Ivey Releases ‘The Monolith Sessions’ EP


Singer-songwriter Jeremy Ivey today issued The Monolith Sessions via ANTI- Records. The new EP features live performances of five songs off Ivey’s Waiting Out The Storm album from a Fall 2020 set at The 5 Spot in Nashville.

Jeremy Ivey was backed by his band, The Extraterrestrials, at The 5 Spot. Ivey’s wife, Margo Price, joined the group on backing vocals for “Movies” and “Things Could Get Much Worse.”

Waiting Out The Storm was released in October. Price produced the 10-track effort which features The Extraterrestrials. The LP came on the heels of Jeremy Ivey’s solo debut album, 2019’s The Dream And The Dreamer.

“The 5 Spot is a special place to me for a lot of reasons,” Ivey noted. “It was where I played my first solo show, it’s where Margo and I honed our live band Buffalo Clover. It feels like home, just like playing with my band does. This is picture of what we sounded like in the fall of 2020.”

Listen to The Monolith Sessions below:


Watch the performances that yielded The Monolith Sessions:

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More Jeremy Ivey on JamBase
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