Home Jambase Animal Collective Shares ‘Sand That Moves’ Video & ‘Crestone (Original Score)’ Album

Animal Collective Shares ‘Sand That Moves’ Video & ‘Crestone (Original Score)’ Album


Filmmaker Marnie Ellen Hertzler tapped Animal Collective to compose an original score for her debut feature, Crestone. Today, Crestone has been released for on-demand viewing, while Animal Collective’s Crestone (Original Score) is also out digitally on Domino along with a video for the track “Sand That Moves.”

Crestone profiles a group of SoundCloud rappers in the desert of Crestone, Colorado. The film follows the rappers as they live in solitude, grow weed and create music for the masses.

“The town of Crestone is not only the location of the film, but also an important character,” Hertzler said. “I wanted a score that was able to highlight and elevate its importance. There are no musicians I’d rather work with more on this film, and no band that can sonically describe a landscape better than Animal Collective can.”

Crestone (Original Score) marks Animal Collective’s first film score. The 16-track album is available for pre-order on vinyl ahead of its physical release on April 23.

The “Sand That Moves” video features footage from Crestone. Watch Animal Collective’s “Sand That Moves” video below:

Listen to Crestone (Original Score) composed by Animal Collective:

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Source: JamBase.com