Home Jambase Wayne Krantz Announces Lost Solo Debut Album ‘Music Room 1985’ & Shares...

Wayne Krantz Announces Lost Solo Debut Album ‘Music Room 1985’ & Shares Single


Acclaimed guitarist Wayne Krantz will release a previously unheard “lost” album, Music Room 1985, via Abstract Logix on March 19. Krantz previewed the LP, which predates his first solo album by five years, by sharing Music Room 1985 track “Cowboy.”

The newly discovered recordings were made by Krantz during the summer of 1985 at a garage studio in Reseda, California. Wayne wrote all six tracks and performed all instrumentation on Music Room 1985.

“At the beginning of my career, I had no connections to the record biz — which was the only way you could release things back in those days,” Krantz noted. He lost track of the recordings soon after mixing the material and was able to source a copy last year after he was reminded of the project. However, the “safety copy” was in a now-obsolete media format. Thankfully, Wayne was able to playback the recording and created a high-resolution transfer.

“It wasn’t based on anything happening at the time,” the guitarist added. “I was already on a contrary path and Music Room 1985 was my version of ‘alternative’: jazz/instrumental music that worked more like pop, melody-centric with verses, bridges, hooks and few solos.” Wayne presents Music Room 1985 as originally intended with no re-recording or remixing.

Hear Music Room 1985 track “Cowboy” below:

Music Room 1985 Tracklist:

  1. Cowboy
  2. Fair
  3. Becker
  4. Pilgrim
  5. Nice
  6. Future

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Source: JamBase.com