Home Jambase Jamband Workout Launches 10-Day Workout Challenge

Jamband Workout Launches 10-Day Workout Challenge


Jamband Workout, an exercise and fitness program started by 39-year-old filmmaker and Phish fan Mike Allen, recently launched a 10-day workout challenge on YouTube. Each installment of the series provides a fitness routine soundtracked by the music of jam acts such as Phish and the Grateful Dead to guide his fellow music fans on a path to improving their health.

The 10-day workout challenge comes after Mike posted a daily video incorporating jam music and exercise routines for 365 straight days on Instagram. “I was laying on the couch, scared and depressed and thought: hey, I should probably get up and try to get some exercise,” Mike recalled of the early days of the pandemic. “I really just wanted to be in better health in case I contracted covid.”

Mike Allen has since lost over 50 pounds and feels he’s in the best shape of his life. “It all started with Jamband Workout, but it’s led me to a much healthier lifestyle in general and I’ve been encouraged to share my experiences.” Allen explained. He’s received positive feedback from a number of musicians including Bob Weir. “I started getting so many messages of encouragement and people telling me to keep going, and I didn’t want to disappoint them,” Mike added.

The 10-day workout challenge began this past Monday, March 22. Watch the first video in the series below for the backstory and initial workout:

Head to Jamband Workout’s YouTube page for additional videos.

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Source: JamBase.com