Home Jambase moe. Announces ‘Live From Dunlop Studios’ Livestream Concerts

moe. Announces ‘Live From Dunlop Studios’ Livestream Concerts


moe. announced a pair of livestream concerts dubbed Live From Dunlop Studios. The streams will see the New York State jam vets christening the Dunlop Nashville Showroom on Sunday, May 23 and Wednesday, May 26 beginning at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT/ 6 p.m. PT via Mandolin.

In their social media post announcing the streams, moe. also detailed Q&A sessions to take place after the performances. “For those of you who want to stick around, we’ll take our moe.aftershow podcast live on Mandolin for a chat about the set and take a few questions,” the band wrote. Fans can purchase VIP tickets which give access to the post-show discussion with single tickets and two show bundles also available.

Head here to purchase tickets to moe.’s Live From Dunlop Studios livestream concerts.

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Source: JamBase.com