Home Music EuroJams Part IV Edition: Kanaan, Kiki Pau & Klaus Johann Grobe

EuroJams Part IV Edition: Kanaan, Kiki Pau & Klaus Johann Grobe


Kanaan: Windborne

More awesome music from Europe, can you believe it? Believe it, friends, I’ve got a few more excellent recs for you. Last week we left off in Copenhagen on our way northward and we’ll continue on that path, although we’ll stay with the never-fail El Paraiso label. Their newest discovery is Kanaan, a trio from Norway. Their debut album is Windborne and it’s a worthy epic of psych-rock storytelling for their first release. If you dig seriously intense guitar-bass-drum jammers, you will definitely want to get on this one. I wouldn’t steer you wrong.

Kiki Pau: Hiisi

While we’re up here, let’s head over to Helsinki, Finland where we find the previously recommNed’d Kiki Pau. Their new record, out on our other favorite label Beyond Beyond Is Beyond, starts off with a playful psych-folk three-minute track before launching into four serious prog-ish excursions. These are tracks to get lost in, compositions that seem to get better the deeper you go until you reach that point and ask “what is this we’re listening to, again?” This is some top-notch Eurojammin’, highly recommended.


Klaus Johann Grobe: Du bist so symmetrisch

All right, it’s been a long journey with some wonderful music, almost time to finish up the trip, but before we close the passport and try to find room for all these souvenirs in our luggage, I think a party is in order. We’ll need some good dance music and so we’ll head down to Switzerland where Zürich band Klaus Johann Grobe can provide the kraut-weird grooves. This is disco for the modern era with spherical bass pops, interwoven synthesizers and a hallucinogenic twist. You might need a dictionary to decipher the lyrics, but there’s no need to translate the funk here, it’s good, trust me. Enjoy!
