Home Science Unique seagrass nursery aims to help Florida’s starving manatees

Unique seagrass nursery aims to help Florida’s starving manatees


More than 1,000 manatees died in 2021, due mostly to starvation. They consume about 100 pounds of seagrass a day, and this staple food is now scarce in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon (IRL). A new study shows that about 7,400 acres of seagrasses were lost in the IRL between 1943 and 1994. Between 2011 and 2019, about 58 percent of seagrasses were lost. To help with recovery efforts, researchers are experimenting with growing seagrass in large tanks and then transplanting it into the IRL to try to restore some of the lost seagrass beds.

Source: ScienceDaily.com