Home Jambase The Fearless Flyers Release ‘Running Man’ Single

The Fearless Flyers Release ‘Running Man’ Single


The Fearless Flyers today shared the new single “Running Man.” The song is one of six songs featured on Fearless Flyers III, a Vulf Records release currently available for pre-order on vinyl via the Qrates crowdfunding platform.

Vulfpeck guitarist Cory Wong and bassist Joe Dart are joined in The Fearless Flyers by drummer Nate Smith and guitarist Mark Lettieri. Fearless Flyers III comes on the heels of 2020’s Tailwinds and 2021’s Flyers Live At Madison Square Garden.

The instrumental “Running Man” starts as a frenetic blast of rock before the quartet breaks down to a bluesy feel. All four members of The Fearless Flyers composed the track with Vulfpeck’s Jack Stratton. The four-piece previously released Fearless Flyers III track “Patrol Acrobatique.”

Watch The Fearless Flyers’ “Running Man” video below:

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Source: JamBase.com