Home Jambase Bob Weir & Wolf Bros Welcome Billy Strings & Les Claypool At...

Bob Weir & Wolf Bros Welcome Billy Strings & Les Claypool At Sweetwater Music Hall


Bob Weir and Wolf Bros capped a two-night stand at Sweetwater Music Hall last night with a show featuring guest appearances from guitarists Billy Strings and Matty Michna as well as Primus bassist Les Claypool. The concert in Mill Valley, California honored the memory of Rob Lawson, a longtime friend and employee of Bob Weir who died last fall.

The core lineup consisting of guitarist Bobby Weir, bassist Don Was, drummer Jay Lane, keyboardist Jeff Chimenti and pedal steel guitarist Barry Sless opened with a “The Music Never Stopped” that encapsulated “Easy Answers.” Weir then led the ensemble through a run of “Cassidy,” “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and “Ramble On Rose” before youngster Matty Mischna emerged to augment the group on the blues standard “Good Morning Little School Girl” and Grateful Dead classic “Tennessee Jed.” Bobby Weir And Wolf Bros went on to conclude the set sans guests with “Jack Straw.”

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Weir delivered a take on The Beatles’ “Blackbird” to start last night’s second set. The quintet then jammed “Scarlet Begonias” into “Eyes Of The World.” Michna returned for the “Eyes” sequence, which featured “Big Sandy Creek” and Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” within. “Big Sandy Creek” is a new song that includes lyrics penned by the late Robert Hunter that Bob Weir And Wolf Bros with Matty Michna debuted during a livestream concert held at TRI Studios on April 24, 2021.

The first collaboration between Bob Weir and Billy Strings followed the “Eyes” sequence. Strings joined Weir And Wolf Bros for the beloved “China Cat Sunflower”/”I Know You Rider” pairing. Billy shared lead vocals on “China Cat” and “Rider” with Bobby and jammed with the band on the 19-minute song suite. The five-piece followed Strings’ initial guest appearance by performing the tender “Stella Blue” and euphoric “Sugar Magnolia.

Another huge surprise came next as Strings reemerged with Les Claypool in tow. Claypool stood in for Don Was and Billy contributed to The Beatles’ psychedelic gem “Tomorrow Never Knows.” Strings stuck around for the evening’s “Brokedown Palace” finale. Bob Weir And Wolf Bros kick off their spring tour at The Ryman in Nashville next Wednesday, March 9.

Watch fan-shot video from last night’s concert featuring Strings and Claypool’s guest appearances below:

China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider

Tomorrow Never Knows, Brokedown Palace



Setlist (via Bob Weir Twitter)

Set One: The Music Never Stopped > Easy Answers > The Music Never Stopped, Cassidy, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Ramble On Rose, Good Morning Little School Girl*, Tennessee Jed*, Jack Straw

Set Two: Blackbird, Scarlet Begonias > Eyes Of The World* > Big Sandy Creek* > What’s Going On* > Eyes Of The World*, China Cat Sunflower** > I Know You Rider**, Stella Blue, Sugar Magnolia, Tomorrow Never Knows^, Brokedown Palace**

  • * – w/ Matty Michna
  • ** – w/ Billy Strings
  • ^ – w/ Billy Strings & Les Claypool

Source: JamBase.com