Home Jambase Hot Chip Shares ‘Eleanor’ Single

Hot Chip Shares ‘Eleanor’ Single


Hot Chip released a new single, “Eleanor.” The track will land on the London synthpop outfit’s upcoming album, Freakout/Release, due out physically and digitally on August 19.

Freakout/Release is Hot Chip’s eighth studio album and the follow-up to 2019’s A Bath Full Of Ecstasy. The new LP marks the first captured in the band’s new Relax & Enjoy studio. Hot Chip’s Al Doyle began building the space in 2019 and it provided the group a place to come together in the same room to capture a more full-band feel on Freakout/Release.

“These songs feel like accomplished pop songs, but it was just us making music in a room,” Doyle explained. “Those moments are a testament to how we’ve developed as songwriters and musicians ourselves.”

Hot Chip also drew inspiration from their staple cover of The Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage.” “The idea of being out of control is always there in dance music, in a positive sense,” Doyle added of the raucous vibe of the Beastie classic.

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Hot Chip previously released the Freakout/Release single “Down” and now follows with “Eleanor.” The group’s Alexis Taylor further detailed the new single:

“It’s about the world smashing into you, waves crashing into you, all-encompassing pain, and how you have to walk through it. The verses are about separation when families are divided against their will. It’s about strong friends. It’s also about Samuel Beckett giving Andre The Giant lifts to school, and about how Beckett must have learned a lot from Andre’s wisdom.”

Stream “Eleanor” below:

Source: JamBase.com