Home Jambase Happy Birthday Dean Ween: Watch The Guitarist Shred ‘A Tear For Eddie’...

Happy Birthday Dean Ween: Watch The Guitarist Shred ‘A Tear For Eddie’ With Ween In 2018


Today marks MickeyDean WeenMelchiondo’s 52nd birthday. Melchiondo co-founded Ween with AaronGene WeenFreeman in New Hope, Pennsylvania in 1984. A video of Deaner shredding through one of his signature Ween songs, ‘A Tear For Eddie,” during a July 28, 2018 concert at Artpark in Lewiston, New York near Buffalo is the subject of today’s Sunday Cinema.

In 1994, Ween released their landmark album Chocolate And Cheese. The LP is chocked full of favorites including the fifth track, “A Tear For Eddie.” The guitar solo-driven instrumental is a tribute to highly influential Parliament-Funkadelic guitarist Eddie Hazel. Ween unveiled the tune live on October 30, 1994 in Chicago not long after releasing Chocolate And Cheese, as per Brownbase.

Since its debut, the song has become a live staple as well as a showcase for Deaner’s fretboard fireworks. On July 28, 2018, Ween came to Artpark in Lewiston, New York just north of Buffalo. The band kicked off the concert with another instrumental “Fiesta.” The first portion of the main set also included favorites like “Pork Roll Egg And Cheese” and “Mister Would You Please Help My Pony?” as well as the rarity “The Stallion pt 2.”

Following “It’s Gonna Be a Long Night,” Deaner presided over a fiery, extended solo on “A Tear For Eddie.” To celebrate Mickey “Dean Ween” Melchiondo’s birthday today, watch the guitarist shred “A Tear For Eddie” below:

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Source: JamBase.com