Home Jambase How Phish’s Trey Anastasio Inspired Goose’s Peter Anspach To Pursue A Career...

How Phish’s Trey Anastasio Inspired Goose’s Peter Anspach To Pursue A Career In Music


Goose keyboardist/guitarist Peter Anspach remembers a fateful Phish show at SPAC in 2010 where guitarist Trey Anastasio shared some inspiring words for any “youngsters” in the audience in a new video clip. Integrative Mental Health Specialist Dr. Leah Taylor shared the video via her Instagram account as part of an interview with Anspach for her Groove Therapy podcast.

Taylor interviewed Anspach for an episode of Groove Therapy earlier this summer. In her Instagram post, Dr. Taylor notes how amazing it is that Peter is about to go on tour with Trey. She also reveals that at the time of the interview, the tour had not been announced so they had to cut the new clip out of the interview.

Anspach starts out by talking about meeting Trey at Sweetwater 420 Festival in Atlanta earlier this year. He then recalls seeing one of his first Phish shows at SPAC in 2010 and remarking how Trey shared some inspirational words for any aspiring musicians in the audience.

Watch Peter share the story in the clip below:


Check out Goose and Trey Anastasio Band’s tour dates:

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Source: JamBase.com