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Mighty ‘Mr. Completely’ Among Trey Anastasio Band & Goose Collabs In Glens Falls


The TABoose Tour featuring Goose and Trey Anastasio Band reached the halfway point following a concert at Cool Insuring Arena in Glens Falls, New York on Sunday. Last night’s show kept the pattern of memorable collaborations between the two acts at the end of each set coming.

Goose kicked off their set with an expansive “So Ready.” Multi-instrumentalist Peter Anspach accented guitarist Rick Mitarotonda‘s powerful vocals with swampy Clavinet work before moving to guitar to start the “So Ready” jam with a crowd-pleasing solo. Mitarotonda kept the energy high by unleashing a stellar solo of his own to bring the 13-minute opener to its conclusion. Rick then led the group through the blues-tinged “California Magic,” a song debuted back in March.

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(See 588 videos)


(See 202 videos)

The first surprise of the evening came next as Goose debuted the new original “Thatch.” Mitarotonda led the funky number propelled by Trevor Weekz‘ slap bass. The five-piece kept the premiere concise with Rick advising the audience the song was “two days old.” Next up was a take on the Motown classic “Don’t Do It” played more in line with The Band’s rendition than the Marvin Gaye original. The quintet followed with the improvisational highlight of the set — a 20-minute “Madhuvan.” Goose explored multiple soundscapes over the course of the lengthy jam. Eventually, Anspach hopped on electric piano as Mitarotonda unleashed a torrent of powerful leads. The band built the “Madhuvan” improv to a raging climax before Peter worked over the organ to end the tune.

Anastasio emerged for the final two songs of Goose’s set. Trey shared lead vocal duties with Peter on a 16-minute “Red Bird” to begin the collaboration. Mitarotonda and Anastasio swapped licks before teaming up for anthemic twin leads. The guitarists urged each other to great heights over the course of “Red Bird.” A similar situation played out during the “Hot Tea” that closed Goose’s set. Anastasio stuck to instrumental work for one of the most beloved originals in the Goose songbook. Rick and Trey engaged in a rousing back-and-forth that built to multiple peaks as drummer Ben Atkind laid down a fierce groove.

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Skelator Revisited


(See 202 videos)


Trey Anastasio

(See 195 videos)

TAB took the stage after a short changeover and began their set with oldie “Drifting.” Anastasio then dug in on the solo for the ensuing “Set Your Soul Free” and a loping “Ocelot,” which gave way to a spot-on romp through Page McConnell’s “Magilla.” Next, Trey led his troupe through Lonely Trip standout “A Wave Of Hope” and the tender ballad “Shade.” Saxophonist James Casey then shined on the horn-driven “Burlap Sack And Pumps.”

Last night’s Trey Anastasio Band set continued with 70 Volt Parade era gem “Spin,” complete with its bluesy jam section that gave the guitarist another chance to wail. Percussionist Cyro Baptista then provided the intro to herald the start of “Last Tube.” Bassist Dezron Douglas and keyboardist Ray Paczkowski both starred on the TAB staple, which was followed by “Hey Stranger” from Anastasio’s Mercy LP and Traveler single “Valentine.” Trey explained he wrote the latter “miles from this building” during his time in Saratoga Springs, New York while sentenced to drug court. Anastasio pointed out his Divided Sky Foundation has a table at the venue and at each stop on the tour. He noted the treatment center’s future clinical director, Melanie Guide, is operating the table and spoke of the huge role she played in his sobriety.

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(See 588 videos)

Trey Anastasio Band

(See 144 videos)

Trey welcomed Goose’s Rick Mitarotonda and Peter Anspach to join TAB for the last two songs of their set. Up first for the 10 musicians was a fierce “Mr. Completely.” Both Anastasio and Mitarotonda shredded in the first section of a jam that continued with Anspach and Paczkowski connecting on a piano and organ duel. Casey then fired off a majestic saxophone solo before Jennifer Hartswick unfurled a dynamic trumpet solo. The music was brought to near silence as Rick and Trey engaged in another call-and-response segment and then the guitarists let it rip in guiding the ensemble to a tremendous peak. Mitarotonda and Anspach stuck around for an emotion-laden “Rise/Come Together” to seal the TAB set.

All the members of the Trey Anastasio Band and Goose returned to the stage in Glens Falls last night for the evening’s “Possum” encore. Sunday marked the first time the Phish song penned by former member Jeff Holdsworth was played in public by TAB since the group’s debut performance on February 15, 1999 at Higher Ground in Winooski, Vermont. Additionally, as noted by Scott Marks, “Possum” had not been performed by any member of Phish with a full horn section since July 27, 1991 — the final night of Phish’s summer tour with the Giant Country Horns. Goose’s Ben Atkind, Trevor Weekz and Jeff Arevalo each took on percussion duties for the “Possum” finale.

Goose and Trey Anastasio Band bring their joint tour to Moon, Pennsylvania on Tuesday night. Livestreams are available for purchase via nugs.net and LivePhish.com. Watch fan-shot video of last night’s “Possum” below:



Goose (via ElGoose.net)

Set: So Ready, California Magic, Thatch[1], Don’t Do It[2], Madhuvan, Red Bird[3] > Hot Tea[4]


  • [1] FTP.
  • [2] The Band.
  • [3] With Trey Anastasio on guitar and vocals.
  • [4] With Trey Anastasio on guitar.

Trey Anastasio Band (via Phish.net)

Set: Drifting, Set Your Soul Free, Ocelot > Magilla, A Wave of Hope, Shade, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Spin, Last Tube, Hey Stranger > Valentine, Mr. Completely [1], Rise/Come Together[1]

Encore: Possum [2]


  • [1] Peter Anspach on keys and Rick Mitarotonda on guitar.
  • [2] Peter Anspach on keys, Rick Mitarotonda on guitar, and Jeff Arevalo, Ben Atkind, and Trevor Weekz on percussion.

Goose opened for TAB at this co-bill show. Mr. Completely and Rise/Come Together featured Peter Anspach on keys and Rick Mitarotonda on guitar. The first full TAB performance of Possum featured Peter on keys, Rick on guitar, and Jeff Arevalo, Ben Atkind, and Trevor Weekz on percussion. Prior to this show, the only other time Possum had been played as “TAB” was at the first TAB performance on February 15, 1999 as Trey, Tony Markellis, and Russ Lawton. This was also the first Possum to be played by any member of Phish with a full horn section since July 27, 1991.

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Source: JamBase.com