Home Jambase ‘They Love Each Other’: Watch Lindsay Lou & Kitchen Dwellers Cover Grateful...

‘They Love Each Other’: Watch Lindsay Lou & Kitchen Dwellers Cover Grateful Dead Tune


Kitchen Dwellers and Lindsay Lou teamed up for a Grateful Dead cover. The tour mates collaborated on “They Love Each Other.”

The Grateful Dead debuted “They Love Each Other” on February 9, 1973 — 50 years ago today. The historic concert at Maples Pavilion on the Stanford University campus in Palo Alto, California (the town where GD was formed) also saw the band debut classics like “Eyes Of The World,” “Row Jimmy,” “China Doll,” “Loose Lucy,” “Here Comes Sunshine” and the proto “U.S. Blues,” “Wave That Flag.” Of the songs premiered that day, only “Eyes” and “Jimmy” were played more than “They Love Each Other.”

Lindsay Lou and Kitchen Dwellers — mandolinist Shawn Swain, banjoist Torrin Daniels, bassist Joe Funkm and guitarist Max Davies — captured their version of the beloved Dead number during their recent run at The Elm in KD’s hometown of Bozeman, Montana. Watch below:

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Kitchen Dwellers

(See 3 videos)

Kitchen Dwellers

(See 40 videos)


Lindsay Lou

(See 44 videos)

Kitchen Dwellers and Lindsay Lou are hitting the road on the West Coast this winter. Check out their tour dates below:

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More Lindsay Lou & KD
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Source: JamBase.com