Home Jambase Dave Matthews Performs Solo ‘Funny How Time Slips Away’ At Willie Nelson’s...

Dave Matthews Performs Solo ‘Funny How Time Slips Away’ At Willie Nelson’s 90th

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billy strings willie nelson california sober live 1200x675 1

Dave Matthews was among the many musicians who participated in this weekend’s Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 90 birthday celebration at the Hollywood Bowl. Matthews’ contribution to the all-star concert held last night was a solo acoustic rendition of Nelson’s “Funny How Time Slips Away.”

Matthews – a member of the Farm Aid board of directors along with Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Margo Price and others – was a late addition to the Willie 90 lineup and did not appear at Saturday’s concert at the Hollywood Bowl, which took place on Nelson’s 90th birthday.

Among the weekend’s other participants were Keith Richards, Neil Young, Stephen Stills, Bob Weir, Margo Price, Billy Strings, and many more.

One of several songs written by Willie Nelson but performed first by another musician, “Funny How Time Slips Away” was initially recorded by Billy Walker in 1961. Nelson’s first recording of the song came out in 1962. Subsequent covers were released by Elvis Presley, Al Green, Brenda Lee and Wanda Jackson, among dozens of others.

Watch Dave Matthews’ solo acoustic take on “Funny How Time Slips Away” at last night’s Willie 90 celebration below:

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Dave Matthews

(See 69 videos)

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Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 90 Coverage
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Source: JamBase.com