Home Jambase Report: Bob Dylan ‘Likely’ To Retire From The Road After Rough &...

Report: Bob Dylan ‘Likely’ To Retire From The Road After Rough & Rowdy Ways World Wide Tour Wraps In 2024

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‘Tis the season for farewell tours and could Bob Dylan be among the artists done with the road? The New York Post’s sources told the paper Bob’s current tour is “likely Dylan’s final tour.”

A few other factors seemingly point towards the 82-year-old musician saying goodbye to the road. Bob Dylan’s schedule of gigs from 1988 until the pandemic started was called the “Never Ending Tour” by many fans and media outlets. While Dylan was never a huge fan of the term, he rarely took a lengthy break from performing and didn’t name excursions after album titles like many other artists do. Then COVID-19 took hold leading to the longest pause between Bob Dylan concerts since before the “Never Ending Tour” began.

In June 2020 Bob Dylan released his latest studio album, Rough And Rowdy Ways. When the Minnesota native announced his return to the road, in September of 2021, the trek was branded the Rough And Rowdy Ways World Wide Tour 2021 – 2024. Not only did the tour share its moniker with an album but he specified the year the jaunt would end. The “Never Ending Tour” was a thing of the past and Dylan has been promoting each subsquent leg in 2022 and 2023 as part of the Rough And Rowdy Ways World Wide Tour 2021 – 2024. Perhaps the inclusion of the years was Dylan’s way of announcing a farewell tour without garnering all the attention that would come with leaning into the “final tour” aspect?

Bob Dylan doesn’t currently have any dates on the books. He recently concluded a European tour in Rome with a show faturing Grateful Dead and Bob Weir covers. Dylan typically tours North America each fall or at least did so in the “Never Ending Tour” days and again in 2021. Will Bob Dylan traverse North America this fall followed by legs in South America, Australia and other parts of the world next year before a final run through the U.S. and Canada? Hang tight for announcements of Dylan’s future plans from his camp.

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Source: JamBase.com