Home Jambase ‘The Guitar Nerd’s Guitar Nerd’: Jason Isbell Shows Off Vintage Guitar Collection

‘The Guitar Nerd’s Guitar Nerd’: Jason Isbell Shows Off Vintage Guitar Collection

the guitar nerds guitar nerd jason isbell shows off vintage guitar collection
the guitar nerds guitar nerd jason isbell shows off vintage guitar collection

Jason Isbell appeared on the latest installment of Gibson TV’s The Collection. “Jason is truly one of us,” host Mark Agnesi begins in the YouTube video, “the guitar nerd’s guitar nerd.”

“He’s got a guitar collection that would make any guitar nerd jealous,” Agnesi continued. After a short interview where Jason talked learning guitar from his family — especially from his grandfather — and some of his early influences, the guitar showcase gets underway with Isbell’s 1964 Gibson Firebird III, which Isbell said he used for “Flying Over The Water” on 2013’s Southeastern adding it has a “shreddy” solo which he likes to throw in his “sad country records.”

Isbell also showed off a really cool 1961 Gibson Les Paul SG Standard and a 1956 Gibson Les Paul TV Special Tenor guitar he bought for his wife Amanda Shires for Mother’s Day. The Paul pardade also included a gorgeous 1959 Gibson Les Paul Standard “Red Eye,” which is so named because of a spot where the red die hasn’t worn away near the pickup toggle — which Jason gives the reason for. Also in the Paul department, Isbell exhibits a rare red 1960 Gibson Les Paul Custom and a well-seasoned 1953 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop.

In the acoustic guitar realm, Jason gives a look at a pair of beauties in his 1946 Gibson J-45 and 1934 Martin 000-28. The Collection also goes beyond Gibson with Isbell sharing his Fender Telecaster and Stratocaster collection, a sweet 1930s National resonator guitar and more.

Watch Gibson TV’s The Collection with Jason Isbell below:

[Hat Tip – Guitar World]

Source: JamBase.com