Home Music I Prevail Announce New Album ‘Trauma’ Ahead Of Aussie Download Festival Appearances

I Prevail Announce New Album ‘Trauma’ Ahead Of Aussie Download Festival Appearances


I Prevail have dropped some big news ahead of their trip to our shores to play Download Festival this weekend.

The American metalcore crushers and lords of the internet have smashed us with not one but TWO brand new tunes and the announcement of their well hyped sophomore album.

Dubbed Trauma, the huge 15-track record was produced by Tyler Smith [Falling In Reverse] and is set to make landfall on Friday, 29th March.

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It’s being billed as a triumph over adversity, recorded following Brian Burkheiser’s recovery from a debilitating and shocking vocal injury that jeopardised his future as a singer, and combines elements of rock with metal, alternative, electro and hip-hop.

You can hear this versatility on show in both new singles ‘Bow Down’ and ‘Breaking Down’ below.

Following their completely sold-out last tour of Australia back in 2017, I Prevail will return down under to perform at both legs of Download Festival this weekend.

Catch the official set times here.

Emmy Mack is a Music Feeds writer and her band RedHook is also playing the Sydney leg of Download Festival.

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