Home Space Glenn Supports World Radiocommunication Conference

Glenn Supports World Radiocommunication Conference

grc 2023 cn 00032
grc 2023 cn 00032

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NASA Glenn Research Center’s Deputy International Spectrum Manager, Dave Franc, taking the floor to debate U.S. position at WRC-23.
Credit: International Telecommunications Union

Reliable space communication and navigation systems are critical to every NASA mission. From the Voyager mission exploring beyond our solar system to astronauts aboard the International Space Station, space communications provide the crucial connection to our home planet. Without proper management of radio spectrum allocation and use, NASA’s ability to communicate with spacecraft and operate science instruments could be substantially limited. 

A woman speaks at a podium in front of a room of hundreds of delegates. Several large screens are placed around the stage.
Doreen Bogdan-Martin, secretary general of the International Telecommunications Union, shares closing remarks with delegates during the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference signing and closing ceremony.
Credit: International Telecommunications Union

In December, members of NASA Glenn Research Center’s Space Communications and Spectrum Management Office provided critical support during the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Glenn’s team helped the United States delegation track 12 international issues of interest at this year’s conference.   

International treaty negotiations are conducted every three to four years, and the next WRC is planned for 2027. Already looking ahead to WRC-27, Glenn’s continuous support of this conference plays a critical role in ensuring secure and consistent communications for NASA’s missions and the agency’s global partners. 

Source: nasa.gov