Home New England & Tri-State Music New York-Based Artist Macinizby Debuts With “Closet”

New York-Based Artist Macinizby Debuts With “Closet”


macinizby closet

On May 24, Manhattan-based indie pop artist Macinizby released her debut single, “Closet.” The thoughtfully crafted single tells the coming-of-age story of a queer person finding their way through life, love, and heartbreak.

Released right before the beginning of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, “Closet” opens the door for the next generation of queer artists and musicians to come into the spotlight.

macinizby closet
Photo Credit: Hellen Elizondo

Before her solo debut, Macinizby had already built a reputation for herself as a drummer in the city’s indie rock scene, playing with acts such as Bec Lauder and The Noise, Breaker, and Rose Paradise. However, unlike her work as a group performer, “Closet” gives us a deeply personal perspective of who Macinizby is, not only as an artist but as an individual, writer, and producer.

Produced alongside Jacob Geoffrey, “Closet” stands out from Macinizby’s past indie rock records with her group acts. The single acts as a method of storytelling for Macinizby. It’s hard to ignore the passion in her voice, let alone the meaningfulness of the lyrics. Reminiscent of the early days of Avril Lavigne and other pop-rock artists of the early 2000s, Macinizby puts her own creative spin on a classic teen love story.

The steady guitar riffs, coming-of-age angst, and bouncy vocal melody brings this song back, while the storyline brings us into the modern day. With “Closet,” time travel is absolutely possible. Any listener instantly feels as if they’ve traveled in time to a music video from 20 years ago. Macinizby’s “Closet” is a great way to introduce new audiences to the pop-rock genre.

As for the storyline, it is clear from the beginning what the artist is trying to convey. The struggles of a queer relationship are highlighted very poignantly. Yet, there is a sense of comfort that Macinizby’s lyrics and voice provide. Even in a situation as difficult as m maintaining a relationship, there is still hope. Love may or may not be the end result, but while it is there, it’s best if we enjoy it.

Get ready to rock…but also be prepared to shed some gay


For now, we must wait. But, there is no doubt that Macinizby’s new song, and solo career, are highly anticipated. Fans can listen to “Closet” on all major streaming platforms, as well as with this link.

The post New York-Based Artist Macinizby Debuts With “Closet” appeared first on NYS Music.

Source: NYSmusic.com