Home New England & Tri-State Music Playbill and Times Square Alliance Announce Pride Lineup

Playbill and Times Square Alliance Announce Pride Lineup

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Playbill and the Times Square Alliance announce their third annual Pride in Times Square celebration. The eagerly awaited lineup consists of an interactive pride exhibit, a broadway disco party, and live performances. From June 28 to 29, displays of activism and celebration will be available for New Yorkers for free admission.

Tricia Baron

The Times Square Alliance has worked to improve and promote Times Square since 1992. From working to keep the neighborhood clean and safe to promoting local businesses, the Alliance has had a profound impact on Times Square and the surrounding area.

Founded in 1884, Playbill has been a long standing symbol of theater and the arts. Playbill magazine is distributed to every Broadway theatre, most Off-Broadway theaters, and regional theaters and fine arts institutions in over 24 cities across the country.

Pride NYC is dedicated to upholding New York’s tradition of diverse community. Through inspirational, educational, and commemoratory LGBTQ+ events, Pride NYC offers opportunities to gather in activism, protest, celebration, and advocacy. Volunteers are central to NYC Pride’s operation, and people intersted in volunteering can fill out the following form.

Valerie Terranova

Pride in Times Square’s Main Stage Performances will be kicked off on Friday, June 28, with a Broadway Pride Block Party. Saturday morning, members of the New York Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), Mayor’s Office of Equity & Racial Justice (MOERJ), NYC Unity Project, and more kick off Summer Youth Employment Program (SYED) pride. Grubhub and the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce’s pride celebration will follow, offering funds to LGBT and allied bars and restaurants.

From June 28 to 29, ViiV Healthcare will bring an interactive double decker bus into Times Square. Afterwards, the bus will be featured in NYC’s Pride March down 5th Avenue on June 30.

The next scheduled event is a performance by LBGTQ+ artists, presented by ViiV Healthcare. Finally, the Times Square Alliance will ignite the night with their third annual Big Broadway Disco. The large scale street party invites Broadway enthusiasts to dance to classic and contemporary songs and performances. DJs, performers, and and vibrant costumes will take on Times Square on Saturday, June 29, beginning at 5:15. More information is available at the following link, and all the events are free.

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Source: NYSmusic.com