Home New England & Tri-State Music MacInizby Enters NYC’s Indie-Rock Scene

MacInizby Enters NYC’s Indie-Rock Scene


Up-and-coming artist MacInizby made her debut on May 24 with the release of her new single “Closet.” The song chronicles a queer coming-of-age love story. With its lyrics balancing between vulnerability and raging catharsis, MacInizby commands the spotlight as she advances in the indie-rock scene with her debut single. 

MacInizby’s debut single “Closet,” released May 24, 2024.

MacInizby is the passion project of Maggie Bishop, a recent graduate of NYU’s Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music. While Bishop released an album and an EP under her own name in high school, she wanted to separate herself from her old acoustic, bubbly rock sound. Her music, along with herself, matured throughout her four years of college. It was this evolution that transformed Maggie Bishop into MacInizby. 

MacInizby is the surname of Bishop’s Scottish grandparents. Not only does the name harken back to Bishop’s heritage but it’s also a reminder of her days as a drummer in Scottish marching bands. MacInizby continued to play in a variety of bands throughout college. However, unlike the traditional Scottish marching bands of her youth, MacInizby now played with New York City’s indie rock bands, including Bec Lauder and The Noise, Breaker, and Rose Paradise. 

Through collaborating with multiple NYC bands, MacInizby learned the art of collaboration. MacInizby recalled how she lacked this joint effort in her early high school years, crafting her songs in isolation. It was an isolation that slowly disintegrated the more she stepped behind the drum kit, working with various bands. She came to value other’s insights and perspectives on her music. It was this maturation as an artist that would help to inform her latest release, “Closet.”

Photo Credit: Hellen Elizondo

Closet” was co-produced by MacInizby’s college friend Jacob Geoffery, who also played lead guitar on the track. The addition of Geoffery’s rhythmic guitar riffs helped transform “Closet” from an acoustic demo that MacInizby created early on in 2023 as a school assignment into an energetic, hypnotic, indie-rock single. MacInizby nurtured her acoustic demo 24/7 to make this metamorphosis complete. She recorded takes after takes of guitar, bass, vocals, and backing vocals, later editing them all together in her room. So every sound you hear on the track, excluding the lead guitar, is made and produced by MacInizby.

MacInizby admitted the numerous takes and recordings were due to her perfectionism, which she struggled with. “It’s hard to reconcile what you think something should sound like and what something does sound like, because it’s never going to be exactly what you hear in your head,” MacInizby stated. “But I think that’s the beauty of music production. Weird things and mistakes happen, but there’s beauty in it. I’m trying to allow myself to create without always being an editor or critic in my head.”

MacInizby’s dedication paid-off as the result is a single reminiscent of the late ‘90s and early 2000s with heartfelt lyrics that reach one’s core. MacInizby best summed-up her creation herself. When creating the song, she said, “I try to explore like, What would Phoebe Bridgers sound like if she were writing to an Avril Lavigne track?” Inspiration from Phoebe Bridgers is clearly visible in MacInizby’s debut single. Take Bridgers’ track “I Know The End.” Bridgers’ mellow beat that’s interrupted by her screaming is mimicked in MacInizby’s quiet vulnerability and raging catharsis. The two seemingly contradicting natures are blended together so beautifully that tears will well up all the way from the pit of the listener’s stomach. 

MacInizby’s cover of Phoebe Bridgers’ “Halloween.”

MacInizby’s passion and meaningful lyrics also hit the listener’s heart. The lyrics highlight the struggles of a queer relationship. It tells the story of a first love, falling in love with someone, who isn’t ready to share that love with the rest of the world. While MacInizby has written love stories in the past, she has never expressed the queerness of those relationships until now. “I’ve never really been in touch with my emotions or able to explain that to people, especially as a young queer kid growing up, who didn’t always feel like I could talk about how I was feeling,” MacInizby said. “Songwriting is a place for me to allow myself to be introspective and feel things to their full extent.” She hopes to provide this place for others through her music. 

That place will only continue to expand as MacInizby writes more music in the upcoming year. With talk of another single release later this year and a potential EP release next year, fans eagerly await to see this new artist carve out a space for herself in NYC’s indie rock scene.

MacInizby / Maggie Bishops will perform at the Song Suffragettes on June 25, 2024 at Pink Frog Cafe.

But fans don’t need to wait for the release of more singles. If you’re in the New York area, MacInizby will be performing this Monday, June 24 at the Map Room at Bowery Electric located at 327 Bowery Street. She’ll be performing alongside Lillian F**king Jones and Emily Patt. Doors open at 7:00 pm for a night of high energy melodies. 

She’ll also be performing the following day, Tuesday, June 25 at Pink Frog Cafe located at 221 North 9th Street in Brooklyn, as part of the Song Suffragettes, an event highlighting the best women singer-songwriters in NYC. This event will be a change of pace from the night before. MacInizby will forgo her energetic persona for that of the acoustic, melodic Maggie Bishops. To hear MacInizby’s older music, head to the Pink Frog Cafe on June 25 at 8:00 pm. 

The post MacInizby Enters NYC’s Indie-Rock Scene appeared first on NYS Music.

Source: NYSmusic.com