Home News Moaning Lisa Announce New Single, Intimate 2019 National Tour

Moaning Lisa Announce New Single, Intimate 2019 National Tour


Moaning Lisa have just announced an intimate and limited headline tour, to celebrate the upcoming release of their brand new single ‘Take You Out’.

This will be the band’s last tour before diving headfirst into writing their new album, and comes off the back of a constant 12 months of touring.

They’ll be playing very intimate shows in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra, before taking on Adelaide Beer & BBQ Festival and wrapping things up at Splendour In The Grass.

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‘Take You Out’ is coming Friday, 30th May. Check out all info about the tour below.

Moaning Lisa 2019 ‘Take You Out’ Tour

With special guests Candy
Tickets on sale now

Friday, 5th July
Low 302, Sydney
Tickets: Moshtix

Saturday, 6th July
Transit Bar, Canberra
Tickets: Moshtix

Friday, 12th July
Grace Darling Basement, Melbourne
Tickets: Eventbrite

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