Home Current News AP Analysis: Trump uses Israel to fuel partisan fires

AP Analysis: Trump uses Israel to fuel partisan fires


AP Analysis: Trump uses Israel to fuel partisan firesPresident Donald Trump’s encouragement and support of Israel’s decision to ban two Democratic lawmakers may play well to his political base, but it could endanger the foundations of the U.S.-Israel relationship in the longer term. The move on Thursday to bar Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota from Israel fueled a partisan fire over the Jewish state that has been raging in the United States, with Trump eagerly fanning the flames. On Friday, though, Israel’s interior minister, Aryeh Deri, said he had received and granted a request by Tlaib to enter the Israeli-occupied West Bank on humanitarian grounds, to visit her 90-year-old grandmother.

Source: yahoo.com/news