Home Current News Philippines warns of ‘unfriendly’ greeting for uninvited warships

Philippines warns of ‘unfriendly’ greeting for uninvited warships


Philippines warns of 'unfriendly' greeting for uninvited warshipsPhilippine President Rodrigo Duterte has warned of “unfriendly” treatment for foreign ships travelling in the country’s territorial waters without permission, in a rare swipe at China’s use of warships just a few miles off Manila’s coast. Duterte’s spokesman, Salvador Panelo, on Tuesday made the demand for transparency amid frustration by the Philippine military at multiple sightings this year of Chinese warships moving within the country’s 12 mile territorial sea, at various locations in the archipelago. “All foreign vessels passing our territorial waters must notify and get clearance from the proper government authority well in advance of the actual passage,” Panelo said.

Source: yahoo.com/news