Home Current News In last words, Khashoggi asked killers not to suffocate him

In last words, Khashoggi asked killers not to suffocate him


In last words, Khashoggi asked killers not to suffocate himIn his final words, slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi urged his killers not to cover his mouth because he suffered from asthma and could suffocate, according to Turkey’s Sabah newspaper. Sabah newspaper, which is close to Turkey’s government, published new details of a recording of Khashoggi’s conversation with members of a Saudi hit squad sent to kill him. The paper says the recording of Khashoggi’s grisly Oct. 2, 2018 killing and reported dismemberment at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul was obtained by Turkey’s intelligence agency.

Source: yahoo.com/news