Home News A year before 2020 election, a divided and ‘angry’ America

A year before 2020 election, a divided and ‘angry’ America


A year before 2020 election, a divided and 'angry' AmericaAmerica on Sunday kicks off the one-year countdown to Election Day 2020, with President Donald Trump betting an “angry” Republican surge can deliver him a second term, as the Democratic battle to win back the White House heats up. The building political clash — dramatically fueled by the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry into Trump — appears to virtually guarantee another year of sharp division in a nation long weary of such drama. The latest projection from a University of Virginia political science team points to a dead-even 2020 race, with each party leading in states totaling 248 electoral college votes, 22 short of the 270 needed for election.

Source: yahoo.com/news