Home Current News GOP congressman’s impeachment hearing tweets spell out ‘Epstein didn’t kill himself’

GOP congressman’s impeachment hearing tweets spell out ‘Epstein didn’t kill himself’


GOP congressman's impeachment hearing tweets spell out 'Epstein didn't kill himself'On Wednesday, over the course of seven hours, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) posted 23 tweets, all pertaining to the public impeachment hearings going on over at the House Intelligence Committee. In reverse chronological order, the first words of each tweet were: “Evidence,” “President,” “Schiff,” “The,” “Every,” “It’s,” “No,” “Democrats,” “It,” “Donald,” “Neither,” “The,” “Kent,” “In,” “Let,” “Lying,” “Hillary,” “It’s,” “Maxine,” “Schiff,” “Even,” “Let’s,” and “Finally.” Taking the first letter of each of those words, you get: “Epstein didn’t kill himself.”Why would Gosar, a dentist by trade who is perhaps most famous for six of his siblings opposing his last re-election bid, take the time and effort to spell that out, acrostic-like, about Jeffrey Epstein’s death while in federal prison? He didn’t say. But he did seem pleased with his effort — and his joke.> ll of the tweets pertained to today’s hearing. > est assured, they are substantive. > very one of them. > ll of them. > > were brilliant. > was okay.> > — Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) November 13, 2019″Area 51”? Get it? Apropos of nothing, the current salary for members of Congress is $174,000 a year.More stories from theweek.com The coming death of just about every rock legend The president has already confessed to his crimes Why are 2020 Democrats so weird?

Source: yahoo.com/news