Home Ideas The Best Tweets of the Decade That Still Haven’t Been Deleted

The Best Tweets of the Decade That Still Haven’t Been Deleted

The Best Tweets of the Decade That Still Haven't Been Deleted

Photo: John Lamparski (Getty)

Over a decade in, the value proposition of Twitter as a medium is murky, not easily defined—though one area it undoubtedly excels is allowing important people to show every embarrassing contour of their entire ass to the rest of the world. Albeit buried under months or years of less interesting posts, miraculously, many of these public faceplants remain available to this very day.

There are some who believe that deleting tweets is the refuge of cowards. Those people are absolutely correct. But there are also some tweets so embarrassing or unbounded from basic decency that perhaps they should inspire a pang of cowardice in their author.

Blessedly there is more than one flavor of Dumb Tweet Yet To Be Deleted. A top contender in this joyous season of remembrance is the dipshit boss who tweets his way into legal trouble:

Or its close relative, the idiot prognosticator, disproved by the steady march of time and common sense. We can likely assume a similar list next year will include John McAfee’s threat to eat his own penis.

Some of the best, however, aren’t necessarily Bad Tweets in and of themselves, but shocking instances where the mask drops off. To wit: Piers Morgan feels about Piers Morgan the way anyone else does.

The ever robotic Cory Booker has tweeted almost the exact same non-joke about coffee fifteen (15!) times

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, howling into a digital void, showed himself to be volatile, thin-skinned, and inept—and kept this tweet up despite years later taking on a job that would result in his every communication with the public being scrutinized.

Chuck Grassley (and most of our elected officials) are unashamed to show signs of dementia loudly and in front of everyone

But perhaps my favorite undeleted tweet of this horrific decade, the epitome of the bleak, manufactured PR and total lack of self-awareness that thrives equally in politics and Twitter:

Mayor Pete’s “secret Santa,” which seemingly includes no gifts or participants, and two Chiptole bags at the peak of the Mexican chain restaurant’s e.coli crisis.

Recall your favorite bad, weird, or memorably stupid tweets. Put them in the comments below if you feel the inclination. I’ll add them to the post if I feel like it, based on criteria unknown to you or me, because it’s my post and I can do that. Better yet, make your New Year’s resolution to stop tweeting and be rid of that awful website. Whatever you choose to do, thanks for spending another year reading our own bad, weird, and memorably stupid blogs on Gizmodo.

Source: gizmodo.com