Home Current News The canceled Iowa poll sounds like it was good news for Elizabeth...

The canceled Iowa poll sounds like it was good news for Elizabeth Warren


The canceled Iowa poll sounds like it was good news for Elizabeth WarrenSen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) hasn’t exactly appeared to light Iowa on fire in recent polls. After surging to the lead last year, she’s mostly settled in fourth place behind former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. But there’s been hints the recently canceled poll from CNN and The Des Moines Register, which considered the state’s gold standard survey, included some good news for Warren.BuzzFeed News reports that journalists caught a glimpse of the poll even though the results were never published because of a survey interview error. So the numbers are still influencing media reports on the race, which will conclude Monday night after the state’s caucuses. One reporter for a “major national outlet” told BuzzFeed they covered a Warren event because she did well in the poll.> The numbers from the DMR poll that didn’t get released got circulated among some journalists anyway, and it has quietly influenced some of the coverage, @BuzzFeedBen says. https://t.co/OvNGKWvwH6 pic.twitter.com/wZytgOr38x> > — Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) February 3, 2020″Nobody was talking about Elizabeth Warren and now everybody thinks she has a shot because of those numbers,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive political consultant and Warren supporter. Read more at BuzzFeed News.More stories from theweek.com Mitch McConnell’s rare blunder John Bolton just vindicated Nancy Pelosi All the president’s turncoats

Source: yahoo.com/news