Home Jambase Wilco Performs At Chicago Basketball Court: Pro-Shot Videos

Wilco Performs At Chicago Basketball Court: Pro-Shot Videos


Wilco held a surprise concert at a basketball court in Chicago during their Winterlude residency last December. The Songkick Live series shared official pro-shot videos of Wilco’s intimate hometown performance.

Wilco’s set at the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel gym began with “Via Chicago” off their 1999 album, Summerteeth. Frontman Jeff Tweedy then led the group through a series of songs from their 2019 album, Ode To Joy as they delivered live renditions of “An Empty Corner,” “Before Us,” “One and a Half Stars,” “Everyone Hides,” “White Wooden Cross,” “Love Is Everywhere (Beware)” and “Hold Me Anyway.”

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Tweedy also participated in a Q&A with Chicago comedian T.J. Jagodowski. Watch pro-shot videos of all but “White Wooden Cross” below:

Via Chicago

An Empty Corner

Before Us

One and a Half Stars

Everyone Hides

Love Is Everywhere (Beware)

Hold Me Anyway

Jeff Tweedy Q&A

[Hat Tip – Rolling Stone]

Source: JamBase.com