Home Jambase Benevento-Russo Duo Team With Mike Gordon For 53 Minute ‘Foam’ In 2005

Benevento-Russo Duo Team With Mike Gordon For 53 Minute ‘Foam’ In 2005


One of the best musical moments featuring a member of Phish played during the band’s five-year breakup took place on this date in 2005. The Benevento/Russo Duo were in the midst of a run of dates with Phish bassist Mike Gordon that included a stop at the Georgia Theatre in Athens on April 27, 2005. Mike, drummer Joe Russo and keyboardist Marco Benevento‘s performance included a wonderful 53-minute version of “Foam” that had the Phish community talking about just how good this pairing was.

The lengthy “Foam,” in which the trio explored many different jam spaces and worked in teases of “Lengthwise,” served as the entire first set for Mike and The Duo. Considering what a depressing time the Spring of ’05 was for Phish fans who were only eight months removed from Coventry, this version of “Foam” gave us hope. Gordon was clearly on top of his game and collaborating with two ridiculously talented musicians who pushed him to glory. Watch how it went down:

The trio tipped their cap towards the lengthy “Foam” the next night in Atlanta when they opened the show with the final measure of “Foam.” Official audio of the Athens “Foam” is available for purchase via LivePhish.com.

[Originally Published: April 27, 2016]

Source: JamBase.com