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People found to have coronavirus through Test and Trace will be asked to donate blood plasma


People found to have coronavirus through Test and Trace will be asked to donate blood plasmaAnyone who tests positive for coronavirus through the national Test and Trace programme will be asked to join a blood plasma trial. The research aims to establish whether plasma from people who have recovered from Covid-19 can help others to develop their immune response. NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), which is collecting plasma for the trial, said people confirmed to have the virus through Test and Trace will receive a text message 21 days after their result to ask whether they are willing to donate plasma. The messaging service began this week and has seen more than 10,000 people enrol in the trial. Texts were sent to 65,000 people on Monday and Tuesday, directing them to a web form from which they could volunteer to donate. Over the last two days, 10,370 people completed the form, bringing the total to 82,091 so far, NHSBT said. The texts will now be sent on a weekly basis to anyone testing positive through the national Test and Trace programme.

Source: yahoo.com/news