Home World Music Watch The Chaotic Season 5 Trailer For ‘The Eric Andre Show’

Watch The Chaotic Season 5 Trailer For ‘The Eric Andre Show’


The fifth season of The Eric Andre Show is on its way to us and premieres at the end of this month. Now, we have the trailer for the season and oooooft it is spicy.

It’s a 28 second trailer but that 28 entire seconds is full of nonsensical chaos. A clown is murdered, a man beheaded and his head kicked through a soccer goal, and actually, it’s just a bunch of murder with a comedic soundtrack.

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Eric Andre and co-host Hannibal Buress are set to have a huge season 5.

Musicians-wise, Grimes, Anderson. Paak, Lil Yachty, Toro y Moi, Big Freedia, and Joey Bada$$ are all set to make appearances.

While sport stars Blake Griffin (NBA Detroit Pistons) and Adam Rippon (Olympics figure skater) will visit the studio.

As well as them? Actors Luis Guzman, Dermot Mulroney, and Tia Carrere will each appear on the show.

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It looks hectic as all hell but also brilliant.

Season 5 of The Eric Andre Show will be hitting Adult Swim on Sunday, 25th October.

We wrote a piece titled “The Eric Andre Show’s Most Absurd, Uncomfortable But Ultimately Gratifying Celebrity Interviews”. Have a read here.

You can watch the trailer for Season 5 of The Eric Andre Show below.

The post Watch The Chaotic Season 5 Trailer For ‘The Eric Andre Show’ appeared first on Music Feeds.

Source: musicfeeds.com.au