Home Jambase Hiss Golden Messenger’s MC Taylor Appears On ‘Past Present Future Live!’ Podcast

Hiss Golden Messenger’s MC Taylor Appears On ‘Past Present Future Live!’ Podcast


Hiss Golden Messenger‘s MC Taylor is featured in the latest episode of the Osiris Media podcast Past, Present, Future, Live! Taylor talks about his musical journey with host RJ Bee before performing three songs from throughout his career.

MC begins by sharing his first musical memories. He speaks about his early influences, which came from music his parents played for him while growing up in Southern California. As a skateboarder, Taylor was introduced to many acts via the soundtracks of skateboard videos. He recalls that learning about hip-hop and punk helped inform his music.

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Taylor speaks of graduating from college and moving back to his parents’ house, at which point his musical universe evolved to include Bob Dylan, the Grateful Dead, country and electronic music. MC speaks about some of his earliest bands such as The Court & Spark. “I felt compelled to make music. I wasn’t doing it to make money,” Taylor explains. “Money would have been nice, but that was nowhere close to my priority list. What I was trying to do was get inside the way that the music that I love works.”

MC and his wife, who was his girlfriend at the time, decided to relocate to North Carolina in 2007. He formed Hiss Golden Messenger just before the move and made the decision he would be the “boss” of this band. Taylor discusses the musical revelations that came from fronting his own group, studying folklore and the first Hiss Golden Messenger albums. MC explains the decision to keep changing the Hiss Golden Messenger lineup and the genesis of his long musical relationship with Phil Cook.

Taylor notes it was William Tyler who introduced him to Phil Cook. Bee brings up 2016’s Heart Like A Levee, an album that has become a point of entry for many people into MC’s music. The singer-songwriter explains how at the time the LP felt like a failure on some levels and why he decided to put out a follow-up a few months later. He speaks of the making of Hallelujah Anyhow, which was recorded in just a few days.

The Durham, North Carolina resident reveals a new Hiss Golden Messenger album is coming soon and describes the feel of the LP. Finally, Taylor shares advice he would give to himself 20 years ago. MC Taylor performs “Drum” from 2010’s Bad Debt as well as “Biloxi” off Heart Like A Levee and Terms Of Surrender track “Happy Birthday, Baby” to end the episode.

Stream the entire Past, Present, Future, Live! episode below:

Watch MC Taylor’s performances of “Drum,” “Biloxi” and “Happy Birthday, Baby”:

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Source: JamBase.com