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Techno Man

Techno Man

Hubble Spots a Curious Spiral

Many galaxies we see through telescopes such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the source of this beautiful image, look relatively similar: spiraling arms,...

Wearable and implantable devices may transform care for patients with kidney failure

Wearable and implantable devices may allow for intensive self-care for patients with kidney failure outside of the clinic.

Genetics may determine who benefits from broccoli’s effects on kidney health

Deletion of the gene that codes for an enzyme called GSTM1 increased kidney injury in mice with hypertension and kidney disease, but supplementing the...

People who cannot read may be three times as likely to develop dementia

New research has found that people who are illiterate, meaning they never learned to read or write, may have nearly three times greater risk...

Smart people may learn music faster

Why do some people learn music more quickly than others? Intelligence could play a role, according to a new study that investigated the early...

Researchers develop thin heat shield for superfast aircraft

The world of aerospace increasingly relies on carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites to build the structures of satellites, rockets and jet aircraft. But the...

Subcellular computations within brain during decision-making

New research suggests that during decision-making, neurons in the brain are capable of much more complex processing than previously thought.

Researchers find climate change and turf seaweed causing ‘patchy’ seascape

Researchers find environmental developments caused by climate change are contributing to the transformation of the seafloor to a lower, more patchy seascape dominated by...

Discovery reveals mechanism that turns herpes virus on and off

New research has identified a new mechanism that plays a role in controlling how the herpes virus alternates between dormant and active stages of...

How Crohn’s disease-associated bacteria tolerate antibiotics

Bacteria associated with Crohn's disease rely on multiple stress responses to survive, multiply, and tolerate antibiotics within white blood cells called macrophages, according to...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...