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Techno Man

Techno Man

How the Zika virus can spread

The spread of infectious diseases such as Zika depends on many different factors. Researchers were able to generate reliable maps for the transmission risk...

New findings on nitrous oxide emissions from northern trees surprised scientists

A recent study demonstrates that boreal forests of the Northern Hemisphere are sources of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The study provides new...

Humans’ ability to read dogs’ facial expressions is learned, not innate

Researchers assessed how experience with dogs affects humans' ability to recognize dog emotions. Participants who grew up in a cultural context with a dog-friendly...

For the first time: A method for measuring animal personality

A study on mice shows animal research may need to take into account the connection between genes, behavior and personality.

An exception to the rule: An intact sense of smell without a crucial olfactory...

A handful of left-handed women have excellent senses of smell, despite lacking olfactory bulbs.

Antibiotics: New substances break bacterial resistance

Researchers have developed a new, promising class of active ingredients against resistant bacteria. In initial tests in cell cultures and insects, the substances were...

Magnets for the second dimension

Scientists have developed cube-shaped magnetic building blocks that can be assembled into two-dimensional shapes and controlled by an external magnetic field. They can be...

Aging in good health: The inequalities are widening

Life expectancy in Switzerland has been growing steadily for decades. But have these additional years been spent in good health or do they only...

Potential vitamin and Alzheimer’s drug produced in yeast

Scientists prove that ergothioneine, an important compound that may be used to delay the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia, can be...

Mosquito nets: Are they catching more fishes than insects?

Mosquito nets designed to prevent malaria transmission are used for fishing which may devastate tropical coastal ecosystems, according to a new scientific study. The...

Brabus Launches ‘Deep Blue’ G-Wagon, Speedboat & Luxury Watch Line

Brabus is unifying its collaborations with Mercedes-AMG, Finland’s Axopar Boats, and Panerai luxury watches under one Deep Blue collection.Being that Brabus is...